When kids love their hearing aids....

I've always loved my hearing aids, even when I was almost 3 and first fitted with hearing aids. And now I love my CI even if the world sounds funny still but hey it's sound! Now if I can just quit getting sores in my right ear from the ear mold on my hearing aid, I'd be even happier!
I've always loved my hearing aids, even when I was almost 3 and first fitted with hearing aids. And now I love my CI even if the world sounds funny still but hey it's sound! Now if I can just quit getting sores in my right ear from the ear mold on my hearing aid, I'd be even happier!

That's great that you like your hearing technology. It's even heartening to see kids who love their CIs or hearing aids make a statement.
I've always loved my hearing aids, even when I was almost 3 and first fitted with hearing aids. And now I love my CI even if the world sounds funny still but hey it's sound! Now if I can just quit getting sores in my right ear from the ear mold on my hearing aid, I'd be even happier!

I hated my first HA! It was a body HA and it was big and I had to wear that horrible HA pocket under my dresses. My exbrother had a friend that was a real jerk and he would talk right into my HA.
I had the usual tan/beige BTE hearing aids. But I did have one of those body worn FM units... strapped to my chest... that I hated.
Loved the body aid when I was little. I could hear! I still have it stored away.
Wirelessly posted

Funny, I got my first hearing aid in 1978... It was a huge BTE hearing aid. Never had the body aid.
Wirelessly posted

Funny, I got my first hearing aid in 1978... It was a huge BTE hearing aid. Never had the body aid.

Body aid pretty much disappeared around early to mid-70s in favor of BTEs.
I had the usual tan/beige BTE hearing aids. But I did have one of those body worn FM units... strapped to my chest... that I hated.

HAHAhAhAHAHahhahahahahahhah..............remmy the harness? i hated hated those body worn FMs...
Wirelessly posted

kokonut said:
Wirelessly posted

Funny, I got my first hearing aid in 1978... It was a huge BTE hearing aid. Never had the body aid.

Body aid pretty much disappeared around early to mid-70s in favor of BTEs.

Ahh, I see. I have used the headphones where the teacher spoke through a microphone in class. She would forget to turn it off during her bathroom break or while talkin to other teachers. :shock:
Cyborg...stop with the scrolling by filling it with several blank pages worth.
Cyborg this topic is about hearing aids, not totally implantable CIs..........and quite frankly with the high costs of health care, the chance that a totally implantable CI would come on the market and be covered by insurances or public health funding is ZERO. It doesn't affect performance or functioning......WHO CARES if you can see it or not? You're still going to be deaf.....and the thing is with implantable hearing technolgy, if you miss hearing something people won't have the clue of seeing a HA or Ci, and just think you're a dumbass.
cyborg... lay off of it. This thread is about kids (people) who LIKE their hearing technology. Not about future technology that has yet to exist. And knock it off with the scrolling too!
Body aid pretty much disappeared around early to mid-70s in favor of BTEs.

I was still wearing the body aid in 1972. I did not mind wearing it when I was older and I made a pretty harness and wore the aid so everyone could see it. I was really excited when telephones same out with volume control .