when I use the relay service and call somebody...

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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when I call somebody using relay service on his/her cellphone, but when I do that, the operator would say that all circuits are busy or that the line is busy, and tells me that my call is not complete.

does that happen to any of you? some people tells me that when there is no ringing or anything like that, it would be that the person has its cell phone off or something like that. but if the cell phone is off, at least there could be afew rings, and then the "answering machine" known as the voice mail would be delivered automatically, and I've called the person the first few times...first time is that there was all circuits were busy, then another time the cell phone finally rang! but when the person hung up on me thinking it was sales or something, but then I called again, and the "voicemail" takes over...so then I try to call again and the person answered, knowing it was me already.

so I tried it again this week and it happened again. the person's cell phone won't make calls complete...so if the person don't recieve calls, then I guess the person won't even recieve text messages if all circuits were busy, right?

Just a thought...please share this if this has happened to you before.
it happened to me many time, grr i hate it!! most of companies/places always put holding as circuit are busy .. or relay can click on busy signal til relay waiting for other relay to replace on their place so that way other relay can leaving! like that..

OR the relay service having trouble with lines, so they bein on circuit are busy busy busy til they repair something !! or upgrades like that! who knows...

well, afew times I asked other people to call a friend for me and they tell me that the phone isn't ringing or that he/she might have her cell off or whatever like that. my friend told me that the bill is unaffordable so my friend doesn't like to talk on the cell through relay so thats why I get hung up afew times when my friend does that...grrr so if my friend dont have enough money for it bills, then why bother buying a cell phone in the first place? so my friend told me to text instead, but I never really got any responsive texts back so thats when I wonder how "screwy" my friend's cell can be.
hmmm....I dunno about from a cellphone cause I don't even own one, but when I called thru my tdd , I never seem to have a problem getting thru the relay service at all....Usually it rings up to 4 or 5 times before a relay operator picks it up...
most of ppl who have cellphones.. relay services won't taking a call if you are on text message cellphone, samething as i can't call my dad on cellphine while it on relay! cause it always telling you can't reach this phone cause it circuit are busy!

Steel said:
when I call somebody using relay service on his/her cellphone, but when I do that, the operator would say that all circuits are busy or that the line is busy, and tells me that my call is not complete.

"All circuits are busy" is a recording. Ask the CA to redial.

Which cell phone service, man? It's much easier to help you if we know which service from which company you are calling.

"All circuits are busy" means that the company that runs the cell phone of your friend is too busy to accept calls.

Calls must go through the telephone network before they reach the number you are calling.

In times of high call volume, like holidays or bad weather, many thousands of people are trying to make calls at the same time, causing the system to be overloaded.

The only real solution is to call back later, but in the meantime, complain to the cell phone service, NOT the relay service. Which relay service and company were you using, just out of curiousity?
downing said:
hate relay services because they always bs.

What? Like, how, man? They can't ALWAYS be B.S. if millions of people use it and are plenty happy.
Dennis said:
Which cell phone service, man? It's much easier to help you if we know which service from which company you are calling.

"All circuits are busy" means that the company that runs the cell phone of your friend is too busy to accept calls.

Calls must go through the telephone network before they reach the number you are calling.

In times of high call volume, like holidays or bad weather, many thousands of people are trying to make calls at the same time, causing the system to be overloaded.

The only real solution is to call back later, but in the meantime, complain to the cell phone service, NOT the relay service. Which relay service and company were you using, just out of curiousity?
I use this.

well my mom is hearing she called and pretended to be deaf (hoh to be excatly to have vco)... realized they are playing games.. pissed me off....long long story.
totally happens to me oftenly and even my hearing friends or families tends not knowing that they should be talking directly to me than talking to operator so i had to tell them to talk directly even thro they always "tell her/him" it gets on my nerves sometimes because i feel that i m inteperting for someone else too or a wing messenger. :roll:
I'm glad I caught this thread. Yes if you receive "(fast busy all circuits are busy) ga" That means that the operator is hearing a faster busy signal. We are taught to use this in training. Simply ask them to redial. If you have the patience, ask them to redial until it rings.

Redirection is annoying. We specifically tell them to "direct all comments towards the caller." On several occassions, I will tell them "please speak directly to the person in the 1 st person for example instead of saying he or she say you." Then their next response "tell them...." I've had almost went off on some people because of it. Tell the hearing person, "you are talking to me, not the operator. Don't tell the operator what to type. Tell me what you response is." Feel free to get pissed at them and to ask us to use specific voice inflection such as (opr say this angrily). Its been a guilty pleasure of mine lately to express anger or insult the voice user, simply because they were being downright stupid.

And downing, can you please tell me why you dislike relay services? As an RO myself, I'm very interested to hear feedback. If you have problems with a relay operator, report him or her. I've seen quite a few disgruntled people on here, who haven't took action. If I did a terrible job, I would want someone to let the company know, just as if I did a good job, I'd want someone to let the company know. Its as simple as writing the relay operator's 4 digit code down, calling relay back, and asking to be transferred to customer service. This is the one things operators fear, is getting complaints.
Hey, FYI one cell tower can handle up to about 650 calls at a time! There are few cells on it that points specific directions, and that cell can handle up to 58 calls. Suppose the incoming calls is near its capacity, they usually limits the incoming calls to avoid technical crashes.

Some of them thinks more towers should be built, at same time there is another group of those "Environmentist" were opposed to this. Even those who can't live without cell phone opposed to cell towers! Do you have any idea how much it would cost just to set up one tower? I have the info because one of my friend used to work on towers before. I dropped my jaw, and will answer after you give me guess how much it would cost. I can give partial break down the cost and it WILL drop your jaw.
why does the local calls has their limitions to call another inner local calls even through its only 1 hr away and thought the relay service on this nbm of 711 is free for all calls except for collects or att calls services? why not let the calls be free so then it will be popular on tty than calling on cell phones or computer and whats the current nbm for relay service to calll on tty? same as always 1800 735 2989 or 711 because i tried 711 on tty in my locals on campus n never answered to my calls?

cental34 said:
I'm glad I caught this thread. Yes if you receive "(fast busy all circuits are busy) ga" That means that the operator is hearing a faster busy signal. We are taught to use this in training. Simply ask them to redial. If you have the patience, ask them to redial until it rings.

Redirection is annoying. We specifically tell them to "direct all comments towards the caller." On several occassions, I will tell them "please speak directly to the person in the 1 st person for example instead of saying he or she say you." Then their next response "tell them...." I've had almost went off on some people because of it. Tell the hearing person, "you are talking to me, not the operator. Don't tell the operator what to type. Tell me what you response is." Feel free to get pissed at them and to ask us to use specific voice inflection such as (opr say this angrily). Its been a guilty pleasure of mine lately to express anger or insult the voice user, simply because they were being downright stupid.

And downing, can you please tell me why you dislike relay services? As an RO myself, I'm very interested to hear feedback. If you have problems with a relay operator, report him or her. I've seen quite a few disgruntled people on here, who haven't took action. If I did a terrible job, I would want someone to let the company know, just as if I did a good job, I'd want someone to let the company know. Its as simple as writing the relay operator's 4 digit code down, calling relay back, and asking to be transferred to customer service. This is the one things operators fear, is getting complaints.

friend told me ros not supposed to talk about thier jobs. something about confidentiality laws. is that true???
I will be SMAHT said:
why does the local calls has their limitions to call another inner local calls even through its only 1 hr away and thought the relay service on this nbm of 711 is free for all calls except for collects or att calls services? why not let the calls be free so then it will be popular on tty than calling on cell phones or computer and whats the current nbm for relay service to calll on tty? same as always 1800 735 2989 or 711 because i tried 711 on tty in my locals on campus n never answered to my calls?
Probably an issue of your college's not Relay's. You might want to speak to somebody at the college about it (N-11 - 711), maybe they can correct the problem. :)