When brothers/sisters/sibling fight....


Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
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Have you as a parent ever been a referee when your children/silblings fighting with each others or tattle-tailing on each others?

My boys do fight with eachothers, My oldest son prefer to play alone without anyone bugging him, my youngest son who is always bothering his brother, they end up in a fight. It's always about "He is bugging me!" "He won't play with me!" Only time they don't fight when we play a game board together as a family, or if we go out to a park, or anywhere else. We only do that on weekends, or if they don't have school.

What about you as a parent(s) Does that happened to your children or silblings, and what do you do about it? :)
Can I say that my daughter and her cousin fights constantly when they're together? They're both the same age only 9 months apart. When they're with me all its about is " Mama, he took the game (xbox) away from me" "mama, he's hitting me" "Aunt Angela, she's hitting me" and so on. They get soooo bored at my place since I don't anything for them to do around here. When they're at my nephew's house, they hardly fight. They have 2 dirt bikes which both can ride in, they go in the woods and build a fort or clubhouse. It was pretty easy on my sister. Definitely not easy for me.
I've seen kids do the weirdest things when it comes to tattling. One time, I was at Blockbuster Video and saw this boy go running to his mommy and yelling that his sister was going to tattle on him. :crazy:
VamPyroX said:
I've seen kids do the weirdest things when it comes to tattling. One time, I was at Blockbuster Video and saw this boy go running to his mommy and yelling that his sister was going to tattle on him. :crazy:

:rofl: so true! my daughter is one of them :whistle:
VamPyroX said:
I've seen kids do the weirdest things when it comes to tattling. One time, I was at Blockbuster Video and saw this boy go running to his mommy and yelling that his sister was going to tattle on him. :crazy:

Why does this sounds so familiar?... LOL

Been there and still going though this as a mother, soon enough I wouldn't have anymore hair left but the time-out sure does help...

Cheri said:
Have you as a parent ever been a referee when your children/silblings fighting with each others or tattle-tailing on each others?

My boys do fight with eachothers, My oldest son prefer to play alone without anyone bugging him, my youngest son who is always bothering his brother, they end up in a fight. It's always about "He is bugging me!" "He won't play with me!" Only time they don't fight when we play a game board together as a family, or if we go out to a park, or anywhere else. We only do that on weekends, or if they don't have school.

What about you as a parent(s) Does that happened to your children or silblings, and what do you do about it? :)

My daughter is 9 years old and the other one is 3 years old. They are always fighting with each other. Now, i have a 15 months old and her 3 years old sister is always fighting with her over toys etc... The 9 years old always telling tales about little things that is not neccessary. I personal think it very natural for children to fight over everything. They are not perfect. They can't be goodies goodies 24/7. Somewhere along the lines they do fight. When i was young i used to fight with my sisters all the time. Look at us now, we get on very well. But, if the fight get very aggressive, that's different. You have to step in and calm them down and have a talk with each one. And explain that the fight was too agressive and they was no need for it!! What do you think now??
I was like when my children run to me. "Mama, he hit me and I didn't do anything." They point their finger each other. I remain neutral on them because I didn't see who starts it. I didn't involve their fighing but let them solve their own disputes because I beleive they sort their own problems until they are resolved. All what I do is and give them some of my advise until their resolvation is works... If not, then I suggest them to go back to their room for break but they were like :eek: "noooo" and then shake each other hands then go back to TV together.

I would say something and will tell one of them it's wrong if I SEE who starts it but I didn't see it. If you involve their fighting then they would likely to make more fighting to get your attention.
Extactly as same Liebling's comment..

I refused giving grounded them for hitting each together.. who started.?? So I send both children goes room for time out for 5 minutes and come back.. will you fight each together again? Shake their heads says noooooooo... Next time better be!

If I saw hit.. I'll take my child goes to room.. grounded for an hour what you have done wrong thing... that simple..
If suppose at the Mall, Fight each together.. that is it... end of shopping.. Not going buy anything.. Just go back return home.. Send my children goes to room grounded a day.. No Dessert rest of evening!

My children's favorite "Dessert" and outgoing their friends.. I know their weakness! :D

They are pre-teenager.. (chuckles)
chuckles. it remind me and my brother when we were young. Heheh. we always taletattled to make one of us into trouble LOL. I love to bugged him when he had friends over. haha.

Anyway, weird thing my son 3 yr old love to bugs his step sister (4 yr old) such like hugs and kiss all the time, sometime pull her hair. I think its funny cuz younng brother picky on older sister. LOL But we do punish son if pull hair.
Ohhh...interesting thread...my three fight constantly. As a deaf parent, I miss out on a lot of what's said...and like GalaxyAngel said, I can only ASSUME at one point, who started what. All three are capable of throwing their own punches and they'll do so when the opportunity permits, and even more so when Mommy's not looking and Daddy's (who is hearing) not home.

Recently, my little one had called his 11 year old sister a nasty name. My 11 year old daughter was offended and came and told me. My response was, "Well...what did you say to HIM?"

"NOTHING!" She stamped her foot.

"Oh, really?"

I then questioned the five year old. He said she had been teasing him. After several minutes of trying to deny it, she admitted that she had been, but she was "joking." I reminded her that if she can throw jokes his way, then she'd better be fully prepared for her brother to defend himself verbally.

I then issued a rule...if Mommy doesn't see who started what and I have all three of them complaining, then all three of them are grounded. If I see the instigator actually start the whole commotion, then the instigator will be the one who is grounded. It's very simple.

This whole thing will help ME, perhaps - because first off - it teaches them to pick their own battles...if one is going to tease the other, and then when the other retaliates somehow, one will come to me and complain, then they're really only tattling on themselves, too. Kids don't usually resort to name calling or hitting or kicking or punching unless somewhat/somehow provoked. It will also teach THEM to think about their actions - even if they weren't sure what was said or done to cause a fight, they would still have some sufficient grounding time in order to think about it. ;)

If *I* catch the troublemaker, though.....Merlin help him or her. ;)
:lol: My son does not have brother or sister. But whenever his friend comes over to play toys. They sometimes get in fight. All I have to do is let them fight until they cool down and apologize to each other. For myself I have been fought with my idiot 3 sisters just like a war. My parents did nothing unless if its serious, either of my parents had to send one of us to room for time out nor ground for temporary hour. It was so funny that we as me and sisters fought.
One of our biggest issues we have is the door and the van/who can/who will make it to/out there fast enough.

Yesterday people must of thought I was a psycho.
I made the girls STAND on the sideway away from the van.
You could see them just itching to get into the van.
The doors were open, and their legs couldn't hold still. They
were shoving, and pushiing each other while I told them to stay there.

The other ordeal we have is the doorway, I make them all stand away from the door. Don't look at it, don't touch it, don't even go NEAR it.

So far, they seem to know that WALKING to the van will get them in the van faster. If they run, we make them go back to the house door and WALK! Because if they don't before long two out of three end up on the ground hurt or completely covered in mud.

Sighs* Kids. :D
LOL.... yea I totally agree with Liebling's comment too.. My children ( four which includes stepchildren) do same thing. I am hands off unless they are physically fighting that is the only time I will step in.
For pubic fighting, I make them hold hands together like they are best freinds. It works becuz they did not fight again since holding hand rules if fight in public. I wouldn't say never becuz anything can happen in future. Children is 13, 11, 10 and 5.
I am strong beleiver in where children needs to learn their own mistakes without parents involved in it. That is the only way they can learn and thrive not to make those mistakes again.

:deaf: Kelley
kcrocker said:
LOL.... yea I totally agree with Liebling's comment too.. My children ( four which includes stepchildren) do same thing. I am hands off unless they are physically fighting that is the only time I will step in.

Yes, that's right. I would do the same.

For pubic fighting, I make them hold hands together like they are best freinds. It works becuz they did not fight again since holding hand rules if fight in public. I wouldn't say never becuz anything can happen in future. Children is 13, 11, 10 and 5.

I don't have any experience to deal with my children's public fighting like this. My children fighting in the house, not public. I would say something if I have an experience but I haven't.

I am strong beleiver in where children needs to learn their own mistakes without parents involved in it. That is the only way they can learn and thrive not to make those mistakes again.

:deaf: Kelley

i do still have fights with my younger brother like picking on him lol

like wrestling HEHE

but i agree with lieb post
I have 3 sisters age 25, 22, and 16 yrs old .

when I was young and my sister who age 25 yrs old that we always fight over all the times when I am home on the weekend from dorm. when my sister start to fight with me and I fight her back then she telling my mom till my mom grounded me to send me to my bedroom alots make me mad. Now we dont really fight at all just little fight and she always snob and act bossy on me blah I hate it lol :lol:

my other age 22 yrs old and 16 yrs old that we dont fight all their life only me and my sister 25 yrs old.

25 yrs old and 22 yrs old not really fight into alots just sometime same with 16 yrs old :)
Liebling:-))) said:
I was like when my children run to me. "Mama, he hit me and I didn't do anything." They point their finger each other. I remain neutral on them because I didn't see who starts it. I didn't involve their fighing but let them solve their own disputes because I beleive they sort their own problems until they are resolved. All what I do is and give them some of my advise until their resolvation is works... If not, then I suggest them to go back to their room for break but they were like :eek: "noooo" and then shake each other hands then go back to TV together.

I would say something and will tell one of them it's wrong if I SEE who starts it but I didn't see it. If you involve their fighting then they would likely to make more fighting to get your attention.
Same here. I have a 6, 4, and 2 years-old boys. They fight almost all the time. Ha! If I don't see who started it, I just send them all to their "time out" spots, which they HATE! If I see who started it, I put that boy in a time-out. It works sometimes. Sigh, being a mom isn't EASY! God, I need your help! HA!
ChelEler said:
Same here. I have a 6, 4, and 2 years-old boys. They fight almost all the time. Ha! If I don't see who started it, I just send them all to their "time out" spots, which they HATE! If I see who started it, I put that boy in a time-out. It works sometimes. Sigh, being a mom isn't EASY! God, I need your help! HA!

I don´t send my boys to their "time-out" because I didn´t see who starts it. All what I do is watch them until they involved themselves without my involvement. It works most of time. I gave some of my advice/tips/suggestion what wrong or right to make them see the sense... If its not work then I suggest them to go their own room for break instead of send them time out or punish...

IF I see who start it then I asked him why he do that? and then explain him why it´s not acceptance.

IF I catch him do that AGAIN which he know the rules that hit or cussing in my house is not acceptance but he choose to disown my rule thats why he deserve ground.

Yes, true... Being a mum is not easy... :lol:
VamPyroX said:
I've seen kids do the weirdest things when it comes to tattling. One time, I was at Blockbuster Video and saw this boy go running to his mommy and yelling that his sister was going to tattle on him. :crazy:

Yeah, children in LA metro are pretty out of control, when I went to mall at The Orange at Block in Orange, CA and 4 kids are playing, messed up the clothes, bother other people, make stuff fell down and 1 kids got trapped. Their mom are very pissed and pissed them off then they were fight with mom.

That's sad.
I was charged with police when assaulted sister last year then after that so I moved out and currently live with friend.