What's your superpower?


Sep 19, 2012
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If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? Why?

I wish I could fly. Sometimes, I can fly in my dreams. It feels wonderful to soar up over the trees!
I used to have dreams where I "flew". They were more like floating or hovering, though.
I wish I could get out of doing the housework :)

X-ray vision always used to appeal to me, but when you think about it, people would just look a bit weird...

Flight it is then!
I don't know..you make an excellent point about the housework....just snap my fingers and *POOF* it'll be done. Wouldn't mind that power either!
Wirelessly posted

To be able to breath underwater and swim with the sealife. *kissfist* the ocean.
Spontaneous healing. I guess that would make my power immortality.
Definitely would love to be able to shapeshift into any animal. To fly like an eagle to any destination, swim with the dolphins , race as a horse....very cool.
read people minds at will. It would be nice to solve issues with liars...
I used to say flight until someone said theirs was shapeshifting... because then you can just shapeshift into something that has the powers you want.
I think shape shifting would be fun but then I think "How cool would it be if I could make food appear wherever I wanted it to?"

Or be like a Super Saiyan.
Wirelessly posted

Fly and be able to talk to animals... I'm curious about what my dog would tell me! :lol:
Being an illusionist. I would like to have that power for protection. By mess their visions up, allowing myself to escape a danger zone. Or something like that.

I personally don't consider flying as a superpower because it does require a body part to be work. Just like a bird or butterfly.
Definitely shape-shifting. I always was jealous of Mistiques (sp*) powers in X-men! So since I would have no super powers to steal, I could just turn into animals whenever. :D