What's your lunch tonight?

Sauce on the pasta? If so, which kind?

Yes, marinara with sauted green bell pepper, garlic, and fresh basil. The pasta was cavatappi.

carrot sticks, hummus, a piece of string cheese

I wasn't feeling too terribly inspired and didn't want to use silverware to eat /lazy
I was just thinking about lunch, too...just got done making the turkey pasta casserole I've mentioned in the dinner thread, I think. I made a big pan to last a couple of nights.
But for lunch, I don't know, maybe some soy choizo tacos.
Wirelessly posted

Tofu w jalapeños sandwich w broccoli and water.
One of those Lean cuisine meals because my job hates me and doesn't give me much time to eat! Plus, it's actually not that bad for you... Maybe I'll squeeze in this plum I've been storing away for the last 2 days... yum... Plum... =D
more like a brunch.

Mozzarella & tomato with onion, salami, cilantro, kale, and turkey. 4-berries smoothie with almond milk, whey protein, and banana.

tuna with cut up tomato, jalapenos, and black olives with crackers. I didn't have onions oh well.
I tried Mexican mole (sp?) Pretty good, until I was told there's chocolate in it? Nice try! I finished it! :P
egg n' ham. fig breads from Balthazar Bakery (french). kale (not in the pix). sux that I ran out of cilantro and onion :mad2:

Will do some jasmine rice with orange glazed chik'n nuggets from Gardein.