What's your first pet when you were a kid?

My first pet when I was a child, my neighbor.

My first pet when I lived on my own, Chinchilla and a wolf.
I think mine were fish but they kept killing each other (strange I know)

I've also had stick insects, a guinea pig, and a cat. Sadly the cat ran away
A black chow I named Tojo. He was one boisterous son of a buck! Friendly toward us, but unforgiving to anyone he didn't knew! LOL

My first cat was a tabby who was very small. I used to call her cat all the time and then my mother and my sister started calling her Miss Cat as a joke. The name stuck.
Me? Believe it or not my first pet is Pitbull! I never had problem with this sweet dog!

Actually its Staffordshire Terrier.

Had her for 16 years ot even one human being she bite! But sadly she killed plenty of animals, learned lesson not to mess with Horses.
My first pet was a gray tabby cat when I was five she died. I can not remember her name
Wait a minute.. I think my first pet was some kind of goldfish.
My first pet was a persian cat when I was 3. My parents bred and raised Persians when I was young.
My first pet was beagle dog and he died by being accidentally hanged up on my porch :(
My first pet was a cute little dog when I was a kid. I gave food to it and I play with it. I liked it very much. Now it is nomore.
First pet - Cats. Two slept in my crib when I was born until I was about 2ish. Mom had a hard time picking me up because the cats would hiss at her when I'm sleeping.

I never had any other animal, except for the time I had 15 mice. It's not my fault that I got a boy mouse and girl mouse...13 babies (NOT normal!). Very cute.

For the 30 years of living on earth, I have not yet had ONE year without having a cat, and only 8 out of those years that I only had ONE cat...the rest, it's always 2 or 3 cats at a time.

That's about it! The oldest cat, and still alive, I had was Baby. He's 17 years old. I couldn't bring him to Vegas. :-(

I currently have 3 cats, Mocha, Hobbes, and Blackjack. My parents have 4 cats, Baby, Chief, Gizmo, and Whitey. Mocha is the only female.

None of my cats has been bought at a pet store. All are shelter/ foster cats. I refuse to buy cats from a breeder or pet store.

So...I never had a bird. Never had a goldfish for more than 2 days, never had a dog, never had any other type of animals. Just cats. I guess you can say I'm a cat lover!
~My first pet~

My first pet was a miniature schnauzers- his name was Pepper. He was the bestest pet ever I had... He passed away.