What's your favorite band?

Iron maiden, benny benassi, metallica, led zeppelin, junior and senior, and system of a down are just some of the ones i like.
Aerosmith is one of my favorite bands of all time.
The Eagles, who may arguably be the best band of all time talent-wise. Led Zeppelin for pure rock and roll. Bad Company, Boston, and Bon Jovi round out my top 5. There are a lot of great bands that I like but these are my top 5 picks.
something corporate,jack's mannequin, brave saint saturn, jimmy eat world, the smashing pumpkins, the hush sound, the red jumpsuit apparatus, silverchair, hanson, and fall out boy is pretty cool too
Wow that's a tough one. There are so many great bands out there and the ones mentioned so far are great as well. As a drummer I have to say that one of the bands that have influenced me the most is
