Whats your ethnic background?

Daddy: Trinidadian and Grenadian
Mother: African American ( with Native American and Irish.. I wish I knew where in Africa.. but thanks to most of your ancestors for those of you below ) jk
Mother: Polish and Hungarian

Father: Irish, German, French and Navajo (American Indian)
Mom: Irish
Dad: Norwegian/Swedish with some Native American (maybe Sioux)
DAD: yellow
MOM: Blue
ME: green
nice mix if i may say so
My father, Polish.
My mother, Irish, German, English and Scottish.

My hubby, his father, Cajuan (French) and German.
His mother, Polish.
In matrilineal order: Winnebago, New Amsterdam Dutch, English, Irish, Sauk and Fox, and German. That we know of. :D

There may be a hereditary predisposition in the Sauk and Fox line for vulnerability to hearing loss from loud noises. My father got his from driving a tank in WWII, I got mine from my ex's drag-racing hobby, and Black Hawk claimed one from cannon-fire.
Mom and Dad: Cuban
Paternal Grandmother and Grandfather: Cuban
Maternal Grandmother: Cuban
Maternal Grandfather: Spaniard

If you go back a few more generations, my whole family was ultimately from Spain, mostly in Asturias area.
Mother's side - English (Aussie), Cherokee
Father's side - English (England) and German (Prussia)