what's the sign for broken brackets?


New Member
Mar 12, 2003
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What's the common sign to denote ">" and "<"?

Do I use the "V" hand horizonally?
What's the common sign to denote ">" and "<"?

Do I use the "V" hand horizonally?

I did not even know they were called broken brackets. I thought they were "greater than" and "less than."
Well, I was thinking of HTML code, not the expression/algorithm code.

In HTML, "greater than" and "less than" signs denotes the beginning and end of the tag and it just doesn't seem to make sense linguistically to use "greater than" sign to denote that one in ASL. I was thinking of using two hands to signify those brackets then fingerspell the HTML tag.
Well, I was thinking of HTML code, not the expression/algorithm code.

In HTML, "greater than" and "less than" signs denotes the beginning and end of the tag and it just doesn't seem to make sense linguistically to use "greater than" sign to denote that one in ASL. I was thinking of using two hands to signify those brackets then fingerspell the HTML tag.
Ah, it makes sense now. I wasn't thinking of those symbols in the HTML tag context. :P

Sure, use the horizontal "V's", palms facing signer, as long you don't flash them in the hood. :lol:
Ah, it makes sense now. I wasn't thinking of those symbols in the HTML tag context. :P

Sure, use the horizontal "V's", palms facing signer, as long you don't flash them in the hood. :lol:

hahaha. That's what I was thinking... seems more intuitive and logical to use that sign.