What's The Difference?


New Member
Jun 5, 2011
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I know that this type of problem usually wouldn't come up in normal communication, so I am assuming that I am one of very few that might have this problem.

But, I am wondering if there is a difference between the letter "F" and the number "9" when signing. I work at a dealership and I work with VIN numbers a lot. If you didn't already know, there is a mixture of letters and numbers in this long string that interchange back and forth. I know how to make a distinctive difference between the letter "V" and the number "2" to where there is no question which of the two that I am using. For that I face my palm towards myself for the number "2" and with my palm facing away for the letter "V".

I don't see how I can use the same technique to distinguish a difference between the letter "F" and the number "9" however. Any tips, tricks, or advice, that you all might use or can think of to help me out on this one?

Thanks in advance for all of your help :)
Based on the context in which the sign is being used, a fluent ASL user would know immediately whether it was the letter or the number. I have had no problems with understanding the difference.
I know that this type of problem usually wouldn't come up in normal communication, so I am assuming that I am one of very few that might have this problem.

But, I am wondering if there is a difference between the letter "F" and the number "9" when signing. I work at a dealership and I work with VIN numbers a lot. If you didn't already know, there is a mixture of letters and numbers in this long string that interchange back and forth. I know how to make a distinctive difference between the letter "V" and the number "2" to where there is no question which of the two that I am using. For that I face my palm towards myself for the number "2" and with my palm facing away for the letter "V".

I don't see how I can use the same technique to distinguish a difference between the letter "F" and the number "9" however. Any tips, tricks, or advice, that you all might use or can think of to help me out on this one?

Thanks in advance for all of your help :)
Mouth Morpheme.
Based on the context in which the sign is being used, a fluent ASL user would know immediately whether it was the letter or the number. I have had no problems with understanding the difference.

In most circumstances I would agree, and it may be because I am hearing, but since it is a VIN number, the letters and numbers change back and forth in the long string of letters/numbers. I could see if you were telling someone that your name was "Frank", the person who you were talking to wouldn't think that you were spelling "9rank". But that's why I am not sure how I would approach this situation, the letters/numbers change back and forth throughout the sequence.

For instance, A VIN number might look something like-1HFSA278LK32980

So, if I were to fingerspell that VIN number, how would I say that the "F" that is in there is an "F" and not a "9", or vice versa?
Oh I gotcha what your issue is....totally understandable.

If I was signing something that included both letters and numbers, like the VIN number, I would emphasize which is which such as signing "number" before I sign "9" and sign "letter" before I sign "f"

It is rare for many of us to have to sign both letters and numbers in the same context.
Haha, yeah. I didn't think that too many people would run into a situation like this. And I haven't yet had to sign a VIN number to anyone, but I wanted to be prepared for when I do have to.

But thank you for your input and help :)
Like I said......... Mouth Morpheme.

That is how fluent ASL users know how to differ between the letters and numbers
Like I said......... Mouth Morpheme.

That is how fluent ASL users know how to differ between the letters and numbers

I could do that too, but I feel uncomfortable doing that while signing. I learn a lot of what I know from • ASL • American Sign Language, and I read on there that sometimes when you do that while giving a sign you suddenly change the meaning and it can be an improper sign. It was a side discussion for a particular word that it was mentioned, and I don't recall which word it was right now. But, I don't know when it's proper to do that and when it's not.

Now I know, that it's okay for the reading of VIN numbers, but I still don't completely understand when it's okay to do it and when it's not.

Thank you for your help though :)
Why wouldn't you just write it down? It's too long a sequence for anyone to remember and it would be used for checking up on the car.
Why wouldn't you just write it down? It's too long a sequence for anyone to remember and it would be used for checking up on the car.

Haha, you would think. But people in the parts business are VERY good with numbers and can remember VIN numbers and part numbers by the bunches. A lot of independent truck drivers know their own VIN numbers by heart. Granted, we usually only need the last 8 of the VIN number, but writing it down is seldom practiced believe it or not.

I agree with you, I do think that it would be a lot easier. Or at first I thought that, now after being apart of it for a bit I can see how the "old school" way can almost be easier and less time consuming believe it or not.
Haha, yeah. I didn't think that too many people would run into a situation like this. And I haven't yet had to sign a VIN number to anyone, but I wanted to be prepared for when I do have to.

But thank you for your input and help :)

Perhaps the easiest way to avoid confusion would be to write it on a slip of paper.
and facial expression.

And for me, the position of the hand. If I am signing "9", my index finger and thumb are pointing forward. If I am sing "F" my index finger and thumb are pointing more to the left. (I'm right handed).
I use a slightly different finger position to show the difference. when I sign F my finger tip touches the tip of my thumb. When I sign 9 my thumb hides the fingernail of the index finger.