what's holding you back for persuing ur dream


New Member
Nov 28, 2005
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Have you ever been presented with that golden opportunity that you knew you wanted, but didn't take? What stopped you? Who were you afraid of letting down - your family or yourself?

It wasn't until turning 50 that I discovered something. I wasn't afraid of failure, I was afraid of success.
I got so used to the status quo, that I didn't know what I would do if I actually did succeed.
How would my life change? Was I ready for it? Would I know what to do? I knew how to struggle, but if I reached success could I pull that off? Could I become a leader or would people see through me and realize I was a fake? I didn't know, but I suddenly knew I had to try.

More than half my life was over and I hadn't really accomplished anything. I was no further ahead than when I graduated. My life had turned out nothing like I planned. I felt like I had been sleepwalking through it with no idea of where I was headed or why. It was a major turning point for me. I finally discovered the person I was meant to be. I stopped worrying about what others thoughts or how they perceived me.
It was what I thought that mattered. I had dreams and goals and I was determined to achieve them. I knew if my life was going to change, then I had to do it. If it's to be, then it's up to me, became my mantra.

Life took on new meaning. I decided that fear would no longer keep me from experiencing joy in my life.
I didn't want to just exist. I wanted a life filled with passion, happiness, success, and freedom.
I wanted to try things I had never done before. I wanted to have fun!

"It's never too late to become what you might have been." ~~ George Eliot

I became aware of how thoughts or words, whether positive or negative, have on our lives when heard over and over again? They have the power to shape the person we become. Just like a song you've heard and can't get out of your mind for days after, negative thoughts can affect us the same way.

Studies show what you focus on most, you'll move towards. If you focus on all the negatives in your life, then you'll attract more of the same. These thoughts eventually become habit. You start to believe them and your life becomes a self-fulfilled prophecy. That's why affirmations are so powerful. They work the same way.
Focus on positive thoughts and you'll get positive results. People are attracted to those that believe in themselves.

Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. ~~ Frank Outlaw

Decide now what it is you want. Where do you see yourself in 5, 10 or 20 years if you continue doing the same things? When presented with an opportunity or a challenge, ask yourself some questions. What will happen if I don't take any action? What will the outcome be? Well, most likely, nothing will change. You'll stay stuck or live in fear. Now, ask yourself what will happen if you take that risk? You could find a job you love, be earning more money, or have more time with loved ones. Which of these scenarios appeals to you most? You have a choice. What actions you take or don't take next will determine the course of your future.

Deciding what you want is your first step. Once you know that, make a plan and know your WHY. Without having a clear focus as to what you want to achieve, it will just be a wish. Next, visualize it. See it, feel it, as though you have already achieved it. Visualization is very powerful. If you see it and believe it, your mind will find a way to make it happen. Now, put your thoughts into action.

There is more I want to learn and experience and I'm ready for the challenge. I hope you are too. There's a saying, "the journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step. Are you ready to take it? If not, what's holding you back?

~by Angela Thompson~
I know this is an old post, but it is worth reading for all of you. And I have something I'd like to add into this thread.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. --Marianne Williamson
I think I was afraid of what other people thought, I wanted to be everything then I was younger, dancer, writer, linguist, I wanted to do it all, but my parents just seemed to shake their heads "you can't be them all" so though out my life I have been wanting to do all of that and at first I started with music, was gonna learn how to play guitar, then i changed to dance, I took my dad to one class "your better than I thought" that pushed me to do harder, but pushing harder pushed my body too much, now I am in a lesser class with no chance of a solo part but i did a solo anyways. I got that chance though at a tallent show, I did that solo and I strived to do the best I could. Language is another thing as you all know I now and studying asl but I wanted to speak Japanese, but parents shut me down "where will you use it?" so with nothing I kept up with my dreaming, I like writing, well english i suck at (but I'm getting better) I write allot of poetry, I get better reviews on that than my stories (that I have not wrote many of.) I don't know,

I think I"m really scared of disapointing everyone around me. that's what scares me, and what I think holds me down- people telling me I can't.
Sometime things holding us back because of fears. What is gonna happen to me or people around you? or Will I succeed or will i fail? Although i did have some opportunities passes me by as missionary. At moment, i really want to go out of country and help the needy people myself but at moment, i feel fears in my own self. I often question myself. Would i starve myself? Would i die out there etc. sometimes our fears take control of yourself and not think properly. Just that some people arent ready to take risks or not willing to take the risk and others are willing or not afraid to take risk.
I have been told I have an outstanding voice when singing and that I have range that would make it easy for me sing just about anything, and that my voice is rich.

But part of what's holding me back is how would I perform with me being deaf in one ear and hoh out of the other? Then there's my parents, obviously they want me to succeed but at the same time they don't want me chasing pipe dreams.

I attribute my range to listening to a range of music in my youth and singing along to it until I was able to hit the impossible notes.

Two ladies have been encouraging me to join the church choir, but I'm afraid if I sing horribly the choir director will toss me out.
breaking the pattern

Dixie you sound perfect for a singer in a really cool band. Just do it. Even if you have to put the band together yourself. Do whatever you think you want to. Make it your way. Beats lots of other ways to have a small second income and may well turn out to be something beyond anything you might have thought of. Don't know till you try. You are a kickass cool woman and you really can do whatever you set out to do.
I have been to a couple of churches that were musically amazing. One pentecostal the other a black Baptist church. The black church was really the most, they had a gospel group that worked harder and had more music in them than anything I have ever seen, awesome, they brought us closer to God than any preacher I ever heard. Right there in a neighborhood church in Anchorage,