What your nickname stand?


New Member
Apr 19, 2004
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mmm curious do you have a nickname and what stand for?
Micah is my favorite nickname.. it's shorter for Michelle also i don't like be show as FEMME hahaha.. Micah is best for me as *butch name*

I have another one.. Froggy.. My dad used to call me when im such little girl, He alway said.. STOP act like froggy cuz im hyper and what more I love froggies!.. Im Dad's toad.
DBPowerWCRulez = Deep Blue Power WheelChair Rulez!

I am correctly new nickname PowerWCRulez just Power WheelChair Rulez!
CoolieFroggie said:
Micah is my favorite nickname.. it's shorter for Michelle also i don't like be show as FEMME hahaha.. Micah is best for me as *butch name*

I have another one.. Froggy.. My dad used to call me when im such little girl, He alway said.. STOP act like froggy cuz im hyper and what more I love froggies!.. Im Dad's toad.
i'm glad all ur frogs are out of my house (almost)

anyway.. people call me many nicknames but its not to be revealed :P cuz it includes my last name :D
My username contains my nickname and part of my last name. :thumb: Unique, isn't it? ;)
heh.. its simple as mine.. is.. i'm Deaf.. plus i love scuba diving.. and the 98 is my graduation year at high school :D
mine's taz and jackie jaws....

taz as well known for hot tempers and always being silly and hyper which is me!

jackie jaws was my OLD nick name when i was little cuz im always chatting ALLLLLLLLLLLLL day ALLLLLLLLLLL night NON STOP so hence the jackie jaws! :)
I got a few Nick names.One of my exs used to call me SweetPea and SunShine...I rememeber one of my ex who called me sunshine used to sing a song to me in a note every morning before he went to work.. "Your'e my Sunshine"

SweetPea is meant that I'm a little sweet Chick

SunShine is that My hair use to be so Light in the summer time from the Sun.
Liebling is a German word is Darling :mrgreen:

:))) is :) :) :) (3 times *keep smile* is my favourite number 3..)

My British family & good friends called me "Shelly"
My German family & friends called me "Micha" or "Michi"

It's shorter for Michelle same as your name Cooliefroggies... :P
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My handle id on this forum: Water Rats - it's the name of a now defunct cop drama show, based on the Sydney water police in Australia. The number 13 is my fav number! ;)

Other nick names I've had and still do (a couple) -- when I was younger, people used to call me Ms Bookworm because I was always found with my nose buried in a book, practically every place I've been at in school and at home. :P
The other one was AlienNut due to my strange obsession and passion I had about this sci - fi movie, 'Aliens'. I watched that movie over 200+. I'm not joking...javapride knows about this! :lol: I even wrote to the entire cast of the movie, including the producer of the movie. Got 8 responses out of about 19 people I wrote to.

Thankfully, I've since grown up and have ceased obsessing over the movie! :laugh2:

I have a current nick and it's 'Cato' -- it was my dad's pet name in his office at the insurance company where he worked for over 14 years before he fell ill. I thought it'd be worthwhile adopting the nick name in memory of my father. :)
*Interesting all of you guys!*..
Wanna know mine...
Okay.. Here's.. er um....
Bullym0m stand for... realated to.. Bulldogs.. so I thought It sound cool.. Removed Dogs addy "y" then addy m0m. Espically Really I used to be first nickname longest time ever I had.. 1st Nickname.. "Chippy" when My 1st Dog named Chippy until 5 years later, she passed away the most recently from last year. So I thought I could respect as my honour her name and have to remove my nickname and change into BULLYMOM. Sounds more clean and doesn't want affect me more uptight feelings from Chippy. Our Family truly miss her dearly lot..

Play game on line... Nickname: Crak}{orZ and SunG on Q3 ((chuckles)) I'm no longer to play on Q3.
Pogo game.. Still same as my nickname currency "Bullym0m" :thumb:
I have a few nick names.. my main one is pinkster.. Its a weird story how I got it, but I got it my sophomore year of high school. It basically means I'm a person who loves pink..

But before that it changed a lot. Pinky, pinkeroo, etc. When I was at MSAD, they're big on nick names, so I got called a lot of things. Jams, Jammie, Jameroo, ya know.. But people still call me Jams, most of the time (you see deafscuba saying it lots) It seem cooler than 'Jamie' :D

I have a family nick name, and I'm not really a fan of it. My parents call me "weeday" (no drug association!) but it comes from the fact my grandpa is from Virginia, and he always called me Sweetie. My mom likes to make fun of him, and she changed it from sweetie to weeday. Now they have been calling me that since i was about 1 years old. I hated it up until I moved in with her (my senior year of hs) and when I got my class ring, i had them inscribe it on the inside. So it says Weeday, instead of JLS. Arent I cool? :P
My nickname in real life is Mec, as my best friend and godchildren calls me that. It stands for my initials put together. When I was in Europe, my friends in England said that I looked like a Belgian comic figure Tintin (www.tintin.com) so my French friends agreed. It made me curious about it and it stuck onto me. I tried to have Tintin75 as my screenname but it was taken. So later on, my ex bf gave me a Dutch edition of Tintin, or De Avonturen van Kuifje. That's where I got Kuifje from. Also, it seemed so difficult for the gals in the CCF club to call me that, so Katzie came up with calling me Kootchie. Then Socrates added Bootchie, and thats my nickname from CCF Club, Kootchie Bootchie. Heh. Luv youses, CCF gals.
Smooochies KootchieBootchie!! I larrvv you so much, you're a brother I never had!! _\m/ :)

My first nickname on the forums/chatroom was Winnie because growing up I loved Winnie the Pooh. Later on, I changed it to Freaky as I wanted it to match my mischevious personality because I am definitely one of a kind. On the persistent prodding of a dear friend, she urged me to go back to Winnie, so I went back to my old SN as Winnie across the boards. For AD, I chose Socrates because I love philosophy and his theories relate so well with me.
*vroom vroom*

I'm named after the superbikes, which are obiviously made of Steel.

I was orginally named "black steel" since I like the color of black on machines like cars and bikes but now I feel that "steel" sounds better because it's shorter though
"gnarly dorkette" is pretty much self-explantory. I am the biggest dorkette. Gnarly="big" in surfer slang. -Ette to the Dork signifies that I am a girl. ;-)

Back in my high school days, people would call me "Winkie" (I dont even have the fixation of winking at folks) ... and they do associate me with Frogs/Felines so I would get labelled as "CatWoman!" "Scratchy Girl", "Hoppy Girl" etc... Thank goodness it has vaporized into thin air. Right now people only call me as a dorkette or just by my name-- that if they can spell it correctly ;)
Fly Free represents to me the spiritual freedom and it also has some influence with Harley Davidson theme as well -- i also "fly free" while on the road driving into the horizon towards the sunset *swoons* thats where i feel most at peace! :D