What would make your life enjoyable?


New Member
Jan 1, 2007
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Besides associating with deaf friends, what would make your life more enjoyable? There doesn't seem to be much out there in the way of entertainment for the deaf community, i.e. games, theaters, etc. . . of course you can find some if you travel a great distance. I just want to know, in your general life, what could be done to make your life a little more enjoyable, a little easier?
finding out my soulmate and sharing my world with her :D
Going on hikes in the mountains, doing different activities in the mountains such as snowshoeing and skiing, going on trips to like Mexico and Germany, and spending time with my friends and family.
My life is pretty enjoyable..my husband and I enjoy going camping, going to the beach, sightseeing, and traveling. Are u referring to deaf events or just in general?

I cant think of anything that would make my life more enjoyable or easier in terms of entertainment...
My life is enjoyable as of right now cuz I found my love and it is so wonderful but it would be NICE to get custody of my son back in my hands again.. thats the only thing i want the most ... sigh... then i would be happy and my life would be complete... :)
My life is enjoyable as of right now cuz I found my love and it is so wonderful but it would be NICE to get custody of my son back in my hands again.. thats the only thing i want the most ... sigh... then i would be happy and my life would be complete... :)

I think you should add a wedding ceremony :naughty:
My life is enjoyable when I have all my cats with me. They are lovable and warm. My son is number one enjoyable for the rest of my life. I cant live without him.
Feeling a cool breeze on a hot summer day, to spend just one day with out tubes and computers hooked up to me.. I heard somebody once say that cancer is a word and not a sentence. They were wrong! I would give anything to just be deaf..
My life will be more enjoyable if I get to spend as much as possible with the one I'm in love with right now, he's the best thing that ever happened to me in a long time, I haven't been this happier in a long time too, gotta say he's the most romantic person, that's what I wanted in a man, and I got it. ;) And the other enjoyable part of my life is being with my two children, watching them grow, doing sillies things, it's the fun part of life.
My life is enjoyable.... But I would like "one" of these days to find my Mr. Right and spend the rest of my life with him. God has a plan for everybody. I'm not rushing my life, take it one step at a time. Another thing I would like to hook up with my friends from where I used to live. Miss them tons! Got a lot to catch up with them... They are my "true" friends and always will be till the end. But other than that, my life is enjoyable, I love spending time with my family and watching my sisters grow and will be seeing them graduate from school soon. Time flies and enjoy your day and life while you can. Think Postive!
my life has been very enjoyable, what i d like to make it MORE enjoyable is just to have peace of mind and NO ONE ELSE to bother our private life
My life would be enjoyable if my hubby and I have a nice long cruise on a big cruise ship so we can relax and enjoy it. Maybe for our 25th wedding aniversary next year. :fingersx:
my life is somewhat enjoyable. but would be more so if i had my baby back from the desert. I miss him a lot. it's been 6 months since i've seen him or held him. Long time. and still have 6 months to go.

But otherwise, I'm enjoying my life.
my life is somewhat enjoyable. but would be more so if i had my baby back from the desert. I miss him a lot. it's been 6 months since i've seen him or held him. Long time. and still have 6 months to go.

But otherwise, I'm enjoying my life.

Awww he's in Iraq now? Hope he returns home safe and sound. ;)