What will you do if you won 10 million dollar?

Well i had a life,,But GOD took it away,,,All i can do is wait until the courts give it back.
darkangel8603 said:
I dun care about it.. this is a fun thread about what people dream of doing if they won 10 million dollar. not about democract, if you wanna talk about politicial crap start your own thread and see who cares.

I'd help my family out with a lot of things. I'd also help my friends out with a lot of things as well. The rest will be myself and charity. ;)
1) Purchase a Toyota Prius
2) Purhase land for a new home
3) Have a Passive Solar design home built
4) buy solar panels & place them on the roof of my new home
5) pay off debts
6) get my immediate friends & family things that they need
7) Buy 2 suits (always good to own at least one suit)
8) buy out 2 or 3 local businesses and upgrade them
9) place the rest into mutal funds & stocks to accrue interest
10) take out money only when there is a need to do so (notice I didn't say want or desire but an actual need

11) Live as simply as I am comfortable with (appear less rich than I actually am)
1- BMW M5 $120k
2- Porsche GT3 (prefered) or GT2 (model 997) $130 - $150kk
3- Buy Old school BMW M3 E30 for daily driving car. $50k
4- Buy nice a house in Greece in Athens, Germany maybe in Hamburg, Mexico near the Border of US, Russia in St. Petersburg or Moscow, and in Canada somewhere in B.C. Mountain. $1 Million to $2 Million
5- Buy many houses as I can and then I will make those house as my real estate or people rents my house. $Rest of money
1. Pay off my bills
2. Buy new car
3. Buy house
4. Get nice furnitures
5. Donate church needs
6. Vacations
7. Ummmm.....
i would move to hawaii or tahiti
get a huge mother fkin house
buy a bunch of old surfboards and awesome longboards
buy a bunch of guitars
and get a hummer, then trash it cuz i hate hummers.
then i would buy a limo, pull out the seats in the back and put in a mattress, and a small fridge and a microwave and a tv with surf videos, and it will be a fancy mobile home. perfect for surf trips.
and i would buy gallons and gallons of green tea cuz i love that stuff.
and i would buy millions of Ramen noodle soup, and tostitos pizza rolls, cuz i love that stuff too.
and i would build and indoor wave pool when the waves in the ocean are flat.
and then i would buy an old 1940's ford truck.