what will u do if we NEVER have a computer

well id be watching tv, going out, reading like i always did and i still do.. see i dont use the pc anymore except atnight to check messages otherwise id be sitting here all day doing nothing!

better off like before when i used to sit here at 8 am in the morning and offline close to midnight perish the thought of that im glad no no im THRILLED i dont have to sit here and watch drama unfold here and do something thats more productive!
javapride said:
well id be watching tv, going out, reading like i always did and i still do.. see i dont use the pc anymore except atnight to check messages otherwise id be sitting here all day doing nothing!

better off like before when i used to sit here at 8 am in the morning and offline close to midnight perish the thought of that im glad no no im THRILLED i dont have to sit here and watch drama unfold here and do something thats more productive!

Why not about go to beach? :)
I would go out a lot of time, go back to electric typewriter, spend more time w/my kid, keep on reading and tend to call to my friends on tty or watch T.V. on cc or vcr movies.
Heath said:
Coloravanchle :gpost: and Reba :gpost: I remember when I was a kid, there were no computers, I got to play outside all day with the neighborhood kids and my friends in the summer time and my parents always focused on me. Ahhh..... the good old days !!!!! :D

We should be fortunate not to have computers in our time. Kids nowadays are internet addicts and always get into "MySpace.com" site plus other popular chats..that will leave their grades to go down. <sheesh>

My daughter was an internet junkie. When I announced it's "bedtime." She said, "Wait a minute. I'm almost done on that reply." Then she kept on typing in another reply. I went to the kitchen and turned off and on the switchbox. She was soo pissed off, she went to bed throwing temper tantrum and wailed that her friends gonna piss off. Huh? Ooh, 12 and 13 years olds gettin' piss off? No thanks. I don't buy that. :D

Now she lost interest in the internet. Good! She can wait until her class in high school will ask of her. ;)
Whitewolf1970 said:
We should be fortunate not to have computers in our time. Kids nowadays are internet addicts and always get into "MySpace.com" site plus other popular chats..that will leave their grades to go down. <sheesh>

My daughter was an internet junkie. When I announced it's "bedtime." She said, "Wait a minute. I'm almost done on that reply." Then she kept on typing in another reply. I went to the kitchen and turned off and on the switchbox. She was soo pissed off, she went to bed throwing temper tantrum and wailed that her friends gonna piss off. Huh? Ooh, 12 and 13 years olds gettin' piss off? No thanks. I don't buy that. :D

Now she lost interest in the internet. Good! She can wait until her class in high school will ask of her. ;)

You seems like strict at her :lol:
Without computers I would be going out a lot doing film photography and develop them, work on some cars and cruise around in them. ;) There's lot to do other than computers.
Well, I don't know what I'd do since I'm a computer geek! :hyper: Thankfully the computer has been invented! :D

:topic: My initial reaction to this thread was "WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!"...most of them are gone... Then I got to Cassbugs' post and started seeing familiar names... :D My my my, how people can come and go within 3 years... :D
either by now I'll be exercising in a clubhouse or sleeping or swimming....
TrippLA said:
You seems like strict at her :lol:
Yep and she doesn't llliiike it. She still hates the rules that I imposed on her. Gotta love those lines out of her:

Her: "I wish I'm 18 right now so I don't have to follow those damn rules! I can't wait to move out..life is so suck! (pacing around a little bit) Why can't you be like my friends' parents?"

Me: "eh? huh?"

Her: "Their parents let them do whatever they want!"

Me: "Oh, yeah..hmmm..how's interesting. Sorry, I'm not like their parents and their parents are NOT your parents. I set the rules, and they don't. IF they don't, their kids can get into more trouble. Including the parents, they may get into a hot water with social workers and police. I can't let you do what you want to do. Sorry. (computer and phone and gettin' her a cellphone and letting her staying at party until wee hours..no thanks.)"

Her: "You're a meanie!!!"

Me: "Thank you very much, sweetheart...I'll add one more month of grounding you."

Her: "Noooo..mom, I'm sorry for calling you 'meanie' oh, please...I don't want an additional month of grounding me..I didn't do anything wrong. Why adding one more?"

Me: "Ooh, you don't think you did anything wrong? Wrong-o. One for disobedience and one for calling me meanie!"

*tears swelled up in her eyes, she ran into the bedroom, and slammed the door shut* Heard her crying real loud and throwing temper tantrum.

Not my problem. She has to follow the rules..12 is the rebellious age until 15. That's suck. Heh.
without internet and computer, prefer romance on beach and anywhere! quility time with partner and kids. :whistle: