what went wrong?


New Member
Aug 26, 2006
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Hi Guys
Just a quick question my hearing seems to have gotten worse all of the sudden though some of it was very gradual I have no fluid in my ear or infection sinus problems or colds the last few months my hearing got worse with HA's and I have the highest on the market Summo Dm in both ears set to a high range that can't be turned up anymore due to the fact that they viberate alot now like over two days I can't hear anything with my aides and the audi and doctor can't find anything wrong with my ears . My HAs are set to a 120 dec range and I not hearing a thing Fortunatly I lip read and very well and have been getting by ok though I'm asking everybody to repeat them selves so I get the whole conversation It is impossible to hold a conversation with more then one person by the time I figure out the other person talking I've missed half of what they said I'm frustrated and have an appt with mass eye and ear for CI which I was already scheduled before this situtation I've never had any hearing in my left and now my right is gone I'm not accustom to a silent world and find it very disturbing if any of you have anything to offer on what went wrong or how to handle this I'd like your input
There are a few late-deafened members here in AD who I'm sure can relate to what you're going through now--however, hang in there and there's always someone who's willing to be 'there' for you! ;)

Do you lip read well? Would oral interpreting or CART be a possibility at school or work?

It might be worthwhile to talk to your doctor about a CI, since it sounds like spoken English is important to you.
There are a few late-deafened members here in AD who I'm sure can relate to what you're going through now--however, hang in there and there's always someone who's willing to be 'there' for you! ;)


Yep I see that some people posts here and its very helpful so Yeah agree with RR. Stay hang in there too ! :):):)
Hi Guys
Just a quick question my hearing seems to have gotten worse all of the sudden though some of it was very gradual I have no fluid in my ear or infection sinus problems or colds the last few months my hearing got worse with HA's and I have the highest on the market Summo Dm in both ears set to a high range that can't be turned up anymore due to the fact that they viberate alot now like over two days I can't hear anything with my aides and the audi and doctor can't find anything wrong with my ears . My HAs are set to a 120 dec range and I not hearing a thing Fortunatly I lip read and very well and have been getting by ok though I'm asking everybody to repeat them selves so I get the whole conversation It is impossible to hold a conversation with more then one person by the time I figure out the other person talking I've missed half of what they said I'm frustrated and have an appt with mass eye and ear for CI which I was already scheduled before this situtation I've never had any hearing in my left and now my right is gone I'm not accustom to a silent world and find it very disturbing if any of you have anything to offer on what went wrong or how to handle this I'd like your input

There can be several reasons why you have lost your hearing so suddenly. One reason might be your cochlear hairs failing very rapidly. This is among the most common of hearing problems. It could be your cochlear nerve itself has issues. That is fairly rare but it does happen. There could other reasons too.

For now, I stick to cochlear hair failure and concentrate on the CI route. Just hang tight and things will smooth out for you.
Mostly it's unexplained. But it's very common in people who started out with a hearing loss already. Basically our nerve hairs which are in the cochlear and which are necessary for hearing with aids are fragile and already damaged so they are going to give out suddenly a lot faster than for a hearing person.

Amanda - I know this is very upsetting and confusing. You may go through a period of grief and maybe even depression like I did as it felt like everything was going wrong. Plus 100% lipreading was exhausting and my tinnitus which resulted from the loss was LOUD. The prospect of the CI process and worrying about whether or not it would work was overwhelming too. But give it time and you will get through it. Getting the CI was a big turn around for me and now I'm the happiest I've been for a year.

If you want to chat PM me.
I cannot imagine how it is like to be in this situation.. it must be very tough.. hang in there buddy

Are there any tips that anyone can provide about Cochlear nerves/hairs? Are there any suggestions on what to avoid/eat, exercise, etc that helps?
Are there any tips that anyone can provide about Cochlear nerves/hairs? Are there any suggestions on what to avoid/eat, exercise, etc that helps?

I never heard that foods, exercise or anything else really helped with this.

Only one thing is known for sure...if you are hearing, don't abuse it by listening to loud music all the day long! :whistle:

I believe the same is true if one is HOH and using a HA(s), then one shouldn't be listening to loud music/noise either. I remember when I noticed my hearing started it's downward spiral (I wore a HA since 3) after being rather stable for years. I started being cautious and avoiding loud sound environments as much as possible. The be tipoff for me that I heard too much was when my tinnitus acted up. That was a sure sign that my cochlear hairs had enough. If I had to be in such an environment, I would simply dial the volume down or turn it off altogether. By doing that, I probably extended my HA life for years.
Well there are a lot of were hoh but went deaf folks around here. I know about 20% of hoh kids will lose their hearing and become deaf.
Try learning ASL!
