what to do?


New Member
Oct 28, 2004
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Hello all:
My father told me that my hearing is getting worse. Work is awful. I can't hear the beep and can't hear people either customers are getting mad at me. If the incresed doesn't work then what? I can't hear well at all on the phone either. I will see my adui tomorrow. She probably will upper the volume. I am a hearing aid user. I have oticon very strong powerful hearing aids. I asked my boss if I can move to another deprtment boss said No. I am a cashier. What should I do? Write Back Soon
Wow, yeah, that does happen. Well, my suggestion is that you see your audiologist and see what can happen. Hope things go well.
Yes, I am with JesKlu on that one! They can give you suggestion on what your options are.;)
talk to ur audie about this.. they'll know other options.

I used to be a cashier before at Target.. I didn't even wear hearing aids.. and i only have serve hearing loss and i only depend on the lights (red, green) while scanning.. i don't depend on beeps.. and i always keep a straight eye on customers by saying "hi" then scan etc.. and say the price, etc..

you can relay on the color codes while scanning i'm sure almost every store have those color codes (the red and green) lights.