What to do / Where to go?


New Member
Jan 29, 2006
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I am new here Hello everyone!!

I have a question that I need answered because I donot wish to mess this up. I have had a hearing problem for most of my life. I am partialy deaf in my left ear but all my life I have managed with the peoblem in the hearing world. Most of the people I know don't know about it. Anyway there is a meeting I attend weekly and there is a girl there who sits by her self, ( this is a hearing meeting), she sometimes has a guy sitting next to her and seems that she was with that person, or so I thought. Two days ago the meeting was not as crouded and there she was sitting by herself in the back of the meeting. I have noticed her in every meeting and we have often made eye contact. This time with her sitting alone everytime I looked back at her she would tern her head slightly to one side and smile at me. OK! Iam shy and alittle slow with introductions. BUT before the meeting was over I went back and sat next to her and introduced myself. She introduced herself to me and ask if I could give her a ride home if she paid me. I responded with not for cash but for her Phone number so I mite call on her. She smiled in delight and gave me her number. I could tell by the way she was speeking that she was deaf. and at one point she ask me if I could lip read and I said some what as I use it myself with my bad ear.

Now to the question at hand, Since I have lived all my life in the hearing world and donot wish to hurt her feelings or make her feel out of place or most of all affend her as I do like the girl and wish to date her. I am lost as to where to take her?????????????

HELP! :cheers:
Ooh! I know! A multi-course dinner at the most extravagant, fancy restaurant in town!

Okay, maybe a bit more on the realistic side, there's the standard dinner and a movie (which you can do a lot with if you're creative). But usually what I hear is that when a guy meets a girl, he wants to know what she's like -- so you go for coffee or something short and curt at first. You learn what she likes (Strawberries? Stevie Ray Vaughan?) and what she's like (Nice? Funny? Confrontational? Drama queen?).

Also, a coffee date might be a good setup to leave if things go sour quickly. If you find, for example, that her real name is Lorena Bobbitt, you can make your exit quick. Plus, it's also in a public area, so it's "safe" for everyone.

Once you've done a coffee date or two, I'd definitely take things up a notch and plan a full date. Use what you've learned in the coffee date. If she's allergic to milk, then you know not to order ice cream. If she loves water, then you do what I did for a full date I had with a charming woman last summer: go to an aquarium. You get the idea.

You can integrate all sorts of things. My date and I then named different fish we saw and made up silly stories about them. One was Thor, the other was Tiger, and so forth. We named one shark after my date, and then at the end, I bought her a shark keychain from the aquarium store and said, "This is Laura the shark." She kept it with her keys thereafter and thought of me.

So I'm thinking, go for the coffee date. Get a little familiar with each other, and then surprise her with a fantastic full date.
hms21224 said:
I am new here Hello everyone!!

HELP! :cheers:

seems she is shy too maybe u should do something if u still like her, try ur best

:lol: it happened to me long time ago, in few weeks after I came here from other country I used to go to the public Library to get some ASL books to study there was security used to crush on me offered a ride his car I said nice of u but no thanks cuz i was shy too, I decided to change time going to library in the evening to avoid seeing him, later he came in the evening too :shock: I felt someone of his coworkers saw me and told him to try in evening :dunno: then he followed me taking a bus couples times :) when i met my girls's father i avoided seeing him thought better both deaf able to communicate than in writting :(

BTW, :welcome: to AD :wave:
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I agree with Endymion, coffee is good for an icebreaker. Take her somewhere comfy and casual where y'all can talk and she won't feel threatened, and it's easy for either of you to end the date early if things don't go well.

But I hope they will!