What The F*ck Is Going On!?!?!


New Member
May 24, 2003
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i am so pissed right now. i just had another AD friend tell me they are going to quit AD because of the name calling and shit. im fucking tired of this!!!! its bullshit! i have made a lot of friends on AD and now they are leaving because people cant get along. everyone needs to stop picking on people and just talk about whats going on in the world. no i dont get along with everyone on AD. and ive only lashed out at one person in here. Cental is gone....now this person is going. and if that person leaves, then another one for sure is going. so thats 3 people gone. 3 of my friends gone from AD! now im extremely pissed and upset about all this. for everyone who gets off on making people hurt or making fun of people or talking shit about people, get the fuck out of this forum, because we dont want you in here.
who's leaving, AJ?? If the good people leave, I'll leave.. I wouldn't want to be here if you, Cental, or anybody leave.. But this has to stop before there will be none in AD.. They'll all move to another forum and we'll lose contact eventually!
sometimes people need to take a break from alldeaf. I do
it about once a year. personalities are bound to clash so
if you get to the point where it becomes to much
you shouldn't quit for good just take a break.
RebelGirl said:
who's leaving, AJ?? If the good people leave, I'll leave.. I wouldn't want to be here if you, Cental, or anybody leave.. But this has to stop before there will be none in AD.. They'll all move to another forum and we'll lose contact eventually!

i cant say the name...but it is a very good person. i dont know what to do. i feel so helpless right now.
AJ said:
i cant say the name...but it is a very good person. i dont know what to do. i feel so helpless right now.

Well, okay, how about if you find another forum.. we could all go in there together so we can stick together? Really.. AD is a great forum, and I love the people here.. but I've seen alot of insulting, criticizing, making fun of, hurting other peeps feelings, etc.. and that hasn't been stopped and its not working. I'd be happy to go to the other forum with you guys and will stick to this forum as well. I guess that's all I can think of.. is for all of us to go to another forum and stick together.
ella said:
this sucks i just signed up like two weeks ago :mad2:

Aww Ella, hang in there.. I think we'll be fine. Keep posting! We'll be of good friends!
its because people cant give a fuck about anyone's feelings. they dont care if they are hurting people. all people like that need to be pushed off a mountain.

im not going to mention who the people are that are hurting my friends...but you know who you are....and you are disgusting. i hope u feel so god damn horrible that you cant live with yourselves. getting pleasure from hurting someone.
RebelGirl said:
Well, okay, how about if you find another forum.. we could all go in there together so we can stick together? Really.. AD is a great forum, and I love the people here.. but I've seen alot of insulting, criticizing, making fun of, hurting other peeps feelings, etc.. and that hasn't been stopped and its not working. I'd be happy to go to the other forum with you guys and will stick to this forum as well. I guess that's all I can think of.. is for all of us to go to another forum and stick together.

i dont want to run. im sticking my AD flag right in this ground and im standing here. we all need to ban together to get these people out. i read the rules in AD you basically get 5 warnings before u are banned for good. thats being too lenient! we need to put our foot down. you get 2 warnings, then a week ban, then the next time u screw up, you're gone. like i said we cant run. if we run then the jerks win. im staying right here and fight for my AD forum.
I've been in AD since late 2002 and there've always been alot of good and bad going on around in this message board...lots of members get banned and lots of members leave and lots of members come to AD once in awhile, etc...it's the real world online, baby!

so if they made their decision of leaving AD, then let 'em do it because you can't really tell them that unless you can tell them that in real life...so most of the time people tend to make their decisions, there's no stopping them from doing so.

I'm sure Central and other "good people" would come to AD just once in awhile...

It's not like it's the end of the world, AJ. just get a grip and hang in there...at least you can still talk to them on AIM and email or whatever shit like that.

I've been bashed, insulted, and many members were just plain rude for no reason, but look at me! I'm still standing! I'm still strong! and nothing can stand in my way when someone just try to hurt my feelings.
Steel said:
I've been in AD since late 2002 and there've always been alot of good and bad going on around in this message board...lots of members get banned and lots of members leave and lots of members come to AD once in awhile, etc...it's the real world online, baby!

so if they made their decision of leaving AD, then let 'em do it because you can't really tell them that unless you can tell them that in real life...so most of the time people tend to make their decisions, there's no stopping them from doing so.

I'm sure Central and other "good people" would come to AD just once in awhile...

It's not like it's the end of the world, AJ. just get a grip and hang in there...at least you can still talk to them on AIM and email or whatever shit like that.

I've been bashed, insulted, and many members were just plain rude for no reason, but look at me! I'm still standing! I'm still strong! and nothing can stand in my way when someone just try to hurt my feelings.

no im not going to settle. im not. i already lost one friend...now im going to lose another, then another and then another it has to stop. im not giving up without a fight.

its not just one person doing this...its not just the one person you think it is. there are a few others. and it's bullshit. its hurting the people that should be here and belong here.
Oh boy! I notice alots negatives in some threads. I wish they don't say anything except privately. Since its not their business. Alike i don't like one person from here, does officly insulted me, and i stopped talk in that thread. I'm somewhat lean back. When i joined, no one not interesting talk to me, they were alike critizie and judgments. I felt hurted. I was think, maybe it becuz i'm newbie, they not want to talk to me. But so far i keep coming to post. Some, i'm enjoy and learning. I just hope they don't think i'm not others newbie not joins then left. I don't let it stopping me from it. So far, some of you all re nice and friendly. It surely good to known people here. Hope that courages people to stay, not becuz of they mistreat you. Don't let them get you..
91 people have viewed this thread....only a few people posted. why aren't people speaking up??? stand up for yourself! dont take this bullshit anymore! we need to get these people out of here!
Oh, I aint surprise if good christians who pick on bad peoples. that how bad people got pissed off and leaving alldeaf for good.. Heheh I just kidding..
I hear you guys, I'm personally sick of it too believe me... I've been up and down the rollercoaster with a few members here and telling me to build a thicker skin, I'm not going to do that, I'm going to be who I am whether they like it or not and beside I'm not leaving either... They can hurt me all they want but they can never take away the goodness in me...
Oh man! I don't blame on them how they feel after they got offended, hurt, etc like how I felt. Why not report to the mods to make them wake up and do something before gets worse. Sighs... :ugh:
:( AJ I agree with you, we have lost a good friend, and hopefully not for good. I don't understand why people feel the need to hurt other people. We come here to AD to post, talk to friends, I mean we are practically all family here. We share each other's sadness, happiness, are there for each other with a kind word and a big hug. But this bashing, insulting, hurting where does it leave the good people of AD. The operative word being "leave" and that isn't what we want here.
It takes all kinds to make world doesn't it? Well it takes all kinds to make AD too. Deaf, hard of hearing, hearing we are all people, we are human beings with feelings, we are friends no matter what culture we are of, we all belong on the same page.
Come on people, where is the bashing and insulting getting you? NO where!!! We are not here to hurt one another, we are here to share, care, and lend a hand when needed. Not push people away, not make or want people to leave AD.
I have never enjoyed a forum as much as I do AllDeaf. There are so many nice people on this site, and those are the ones that I hold near and dear to my heart.
We have shared so much together such as members who have suffered losses in their family, birthdays, sicknesses, vacations or just to say a kind word, we just had an engagement. All these events that we all have been invited to share in involved praise, happiness, support, hugs, tears, joy, sorrow. We all did this together on AD. Don't let insecurities, low self esteem, bashing, insulting, get to us, this is the time we all need to stick together because that is what this forum is ALL about. It's about us being ALL FRIENDS, ALL FAMILY, ALL CARING, ALL LOVING AND ALL SUPPORTING.
Don't let anymore negativity hurt AllDeaf. We who are good friends that want to stick together on this forum, I give each of you a big
To the people who are thinking of leaving, I hope that you will think twice and stay, ignore the insults, turn a deaf ear to the bashing, but most of all, if it wasn't for all the good people who are on this forum,THERE WOULD BE NO ALLDEAF!!!!! We have already lost one good person temporarily, please let us not lose anymore. My heart and love go out to all of you tonight!!!! God Bless!!!
*tears* @ CODAchild s post, that was beauitful, well said there girl...

You're an angel !
i feel like there's nothing i can do....i feel helpless right now. i feel like i failed this person. i dont know what to do.
Whoa... within 3 hours I was away from keyboard.. until taking care of my children while I'm busy... Until I came back on line by midnight... Whoa... your thread was extremelly upset. I wasn't even aware know, What going on this situation?

I'm sorry, I wish I could knew what going on about "What happend", Why some members who leaving AD here.. I don't want them leaving here for reason because of some other members who bash you real rude remarks..

*sigh*, Can you get a hold cental and to have come back here until when cental needs time off for while and ease their tension... If you want to tell cental... Anytime when cental ready and come back here. Don't let members is "charging" you being bash again.. Just you can press the button ignore list anytime you like.. Would be great solution..
