What state do you think the best?

Any major city is going to have a bigger deaf community. Its just math, the bigger the population, the bigger the deaf population in that area.

As for cheap living, anything in the mid-west is fairly cheap compared to either coasts. I have lived in NJ to MN to WI and I'd say you get the most bang for your buck in MN. Let me explain. The deaf community in NJ was excellent and there was so much to do!! But the cost of living is ridiculously expensive. The deaf community in WI is scarce. But it is cheap to live there. So in between is MN. Great deaf community and good cost of living.

In the end, it boils down to what you are specifically looking for.

Hope this helps.
Austin! Austin! Austin! Austin! Austin! Austin! Austin! Austin!, i don't know why i did say that to everyone i think because is that austin have even more event than i thought but in some way that traffic is really awful deep because everybody is go home and early in the morning go to work. ALWAYS ALWAYS traffic. The best time is during lunch time. it is not really traffic and evening after about 7 to 8pm not really traffic and midnight no cars or truck on the highway. i can go fast anytime i want to. :)
Miss-Delectable said:
I heard NYC and Minnesota has substantial deaf communities. Course, I might be wrong. I think it's cheaper to live in MN than NY! :)

I'd be interested to hear others' opinions.

:ugh: I think you need to check out with Minnesota !

myself raised all my life in Minnesota and still living.. but now, we are preparing to move out east to MD/WVa.. depends on where my man's job will be at..

but one thing .. deaf community in minnesota pretty large.. but now they are start realized that its not cheap anymore.. and start to moving out.. but some of them stay and living on SDI since jobless are hard to recover.. and assistances are suck.. So.. its not best place to live in MN anymore if you are rich.. its your choice..
Connecticut is a beautiful state, especially on the coast during the summer and fall but housing and gas cost is way too expensive. Lots of historical areas, and close to the Big Apple.

San Diego's climate was wonderful when I lived there (many moons ago).

Charleston, SC, is gorgeous in early spring and not too expensive. Lots of historical areas. Too hot and humid during the summer, except right on the beach area. cNot a large Deaf community, older Deaf most active in groups, younger Deaf are scattered.

Door County, WI, is a great place for the summer if you like quiet country living.

My personal choice would be to live in a beach cottage in CT during the summer and fall, and live in Charleston during the winter and spring. That is just a dream.

I have lived in a log house in the woods, in the suburbs, in downtown apartments, and on Navy bases. I prefer living in a single house ftimeor privacy, and I love trees and flower gardens, but sometimes it is fun to live downtown because there is always something to do in the city, and you can just walk there. We live in the suburbs now, and I hate commuting long drives and heavy traffic.
As far as I know at least the deaf people go to Galludet University and I think Galludet provided a higher education and Maryland is promixity to DC where they can keep socializing with others. That is how the deaf community grow larely? Am I correct? How did the envoriment in DC and MD affect Deaf community? Just curious. I think NY is large city but most likely to be large community for deaf. I don't have experience in Seattle and I assume Seattle has a lot of raining everyday and what is best for deaf society there?

dhw5320 said:
I think NY and DC/Maryland have Large deaf communities. I don't have personal experience with many other deaf communities. Here in Seattle is a moderate sized deaf community but living here is EXPENSIVE. i love Seattle anyways since I'm happy here and it's all worth it to me.
What an interesting. You mentioned WI is scare. Explain why? Does it have a good weather? How did it affect to the deaf community? I am interesting in the deaf community is most important but cost of living is different reasons in every states. I think some deaf is concerned about their career and community depend on where they live in.

However, I would like to live in east coast becuase there are some attractive enivorment, and I assmue the large deaf community there. I haven't resarch the facts.

That is my quess.

LukeSteinbach said:
Any major city is going to have a bigger deaf community. Its just math, the bigger the population, the bigger the deaf population in that area.

As for cheap living, anything in the mid-west is fairly cheap compared to either coasts. I have lived in NJ to MN to WI and I'd say you get the most bang for your buck in MN. Let me explain. The deaf community in NJ was excellent and there was so much to do!! But the cost of living is ridiculously expensive. The deaf community in WI is scarce. But it is cheap to live there. So in between is MN. Great deaf community and good cost of living.

In the end, it boils down to what you are specifically looking for.

Hope this helps.
Denver is common with Austin beucase traffic always been crazy and rush hours. The weather is strange here becuase sometime raining in few days per week and sunny appears in sky is almost everyday but hot temp goes highs and sometime lows during summer time.

In neighborhood, watering the grasses for once a week and it's strict law this year and not like few years ago. It was since last year. I have allgeries to any grass, weed, and tree. But something strange when I visited to PA, MD, and OHIO, I didn't get effected of allgery. I think all these states are very humid. I won't have pills at all when I live there.

Denver's enviroment is sucks becuase it always dry and huge pollution. I can get sunburn faster when I've gone outside which is high and hot.

FireDragon said:
Austin! Austin! Austin! Austin! Austin! Austin! Austin! Austin!, i don't know why i did say that to everyone i think because is that austin have even more event than i thought but in some way that traffic is really awful deep because everybody is go home and early in the morning go to work. ALWAYS ALWAYS traffic. The best time is during lunch time. it is not really traffic and evening after about 7 to 8pm not really traffic and midnight no cars or truck on the highway. i can go fast anytime i want to. :)
deafpride said:
You mentioned WI is scare. Explain why?

The Deaf community in WI is scarce, not scare. Scarce means "not many" or "just a few".
DeafSCUBA98 said:
have you ever visit this website


it is an interesting website for the future of deaf community in south dakota :D
Yes, I have seen this website before; it is an interesting concept.
Imagine a signing town in middle of nowwhere....tho it's about 40 miles to the nearest city (souix falls, SD) They would have picked a town somewhere better, the winters there are brutal for sure, that's their call there. LOL
CoolieFroggie said:
but Minnesota has awful gossip, stabbers, alot of people who had moved out from twin cities and move to peaceful small cities..

If you think Minnesota is bad enough, try living in Provo, Utah!
Lasza said:
Minn is not only one state with extreme backstabbing. I do believe every big city in every state have Deaf community. There are always have stabbings, gossips, and revenage. My answer is "culture".

You may be right about "culture", but I think that it is a feeble excuse many people use to cover up their own faults and flaws. What's wrong with trying to be a better person and start taking responsibility for their own actions than to blame it on "culture"?!? It is human to make mistakes, but it is also human to strive to become better person through trial and errors. Please note this is aimed towards several cultures, not just the Deaf.
Hmmm...SC might not be such a good state to move to right now. We have another hurricane, Gaston, coming toward Charleston. I might have to unplug again tomorrow.
The largest population of deaf community for one city in United States: Rochester, New York. (up to 75,000)

The smallest population of deaf community for the state: Wyoming and New Mexico.

I don't know which state I like the best...anyways.
Today I was very disappointed in SC. Tropical storm Gaston hit our area. It was a nerve-wracking event that happened without much warning. There was a lot of last minute information that was important for residents of this area, such as shelter locations, evacuations, bridge closings, etc. I did not see any live captions during the broadcasts, nor any interpreters for the live press conferences at the Emergency Management announcements. There was a "hot line" phone number announced and printed on the screen for emergency information. There was also a number for Spanish speaking people. No TTY number. I remember during hurricanes Hugo and Floyd that terps were present and on screen for all the emergency announcements. Not this time. I haven't had a chance to contact my Deaf friends yet because my electricity, and theirs, was off all day. I don't think Charleston is showing good support for the Deaf community this time.
Reba said:
Connecticut is a beautiful state, especially on the coast during the summer and fall but housing and gas cost is way too expensive. Lots of historical areas, and close to the Big Apple.

I agree!! I don't mind living in CT despite aware of the housing and gas cost are soo expensive.
Las Vegas deaf community is not that great comparing to other states. They are drama queens, backstabbers, liars, and etc. Even though the numbers of Deaf people are growing and growing, the education is still below the standards.

I heard that Reno community is more friendly and intelligent than LV community..just FYI.

That's one of many reasons why I am very eager to move out for good. :barf: at Las Vegas!
I believe each state has its own natural beauty that anyone of us could live with and truly enjoy...whether in a city or out in the rural areas.... :cool:

I've been to every state except Georgia, Florida and Alaska during my travels....Of course, with any big or small community, usually there will be some sort of dislikes such as the backstabbing, bitterness, etc. among members, that's just a fact of life, although, each one of us can diligently strive to do unto others as we would want in return...that's a sort of motto we all could live by and lessen the bickerings and the strife among Deaf communities....

I've always wanted to live in the southern states (ahh...warmer climate...yeah, forget about those friggin' cold winters in the upper hemisphere! --no pun intended towards those who lives in colder climates)....Where I'm from, in the beautiful state of Iowa where many people show much friendliness and courtesy toward others...I'm just proud to be a part of that heritage in the state of Iowa! Now that I'm starting to get used to my surroundings here in Ohio...there are places that is beautiful and places that are...wellllll...never mind! ;)
Living in GA is not bad so far.. yeah one season, summer is the worst here .. humid and hot but there s AC available. I live nearby Atlanta and do many things there. pay low tax here, good education here, and deaf community is friendly and helpful w/ me since i am from PA. NO deaf club here.. they do meet in diff places like Malls, resturants, etc. Interpreter service sucks here since I m outside Atlanta Metro. The population is growing here and jobs are growing here. I am sure they will work on interpreter service since deaf population is growing here.

Living in Pittsburgh, PA while I go to college there, the deaf community is snobby there and group clinque.. you must be from this local deaf institute or other school to be fitting in the group which is stupid.. They critcized on what signs to use.. They are using home signs (come on! I am using general ASL signs ) anyway, I made good friends w/ ASL teachers and friends at Univ. Of Pitt. Pittsburgh offers interpreters real well. Interpreters are skilful there. Pgh Deaf club is okay and again I said I see group clinques there. High tax for property there in Pgh. Too few jobs are available. Most people hold on their jobs long time! Pittsburgh weather is acceptable and very nice weather all thru year. Especially that beautiful fall season. very few snow in the winter.

My hometown, Erie, PA (near Buffalo, NY) is pretty quiet place to live. Deaf club is new and nice there. Friendly people there. Interpreters sometimes are not available there. But bitter cold winter season there.. huge amount of snows!! high price for gas there.. most people use elecrticity in their homes for heat. some jobs are available depending on what kind jobs you have. there are GE headquarter there too..