What Size is your pants?

ATTN: starrygaze, et al.! This is a forum. This means that you have a choice of whether to answer it or not. If you want to answer it, go for it, but nobody will punish you for not answering the question. It's not like the topic starter asked you in a PM or face-to-face!

yes this is true. their opinions always welcome here if like or not.

my pant size is between 36 and 38. For 36 size, I don't even like tight but not comfort. For 38, I like comfort as loose for relax and cozy but always have belt on. With 36 I don't need belt. I still explore comfort jean...
I'm down from 38 to 36 x 30.

oh yeah,.... in my pants.
i am size 10 ZOOM lol lol

if everyone wish to tell their sizes let them be