What School Sports Did You Tried Out Or Joined?

Which of the following sports you have tried out or joined?

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♥"Concrete Angel"♥
Premium Member
Nov 28, 2003
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Which school sports did you tried out or joined ?....
Volleyball, 4 years - Basketball 3 years and Track 3 years.... broke my nose my senior year during CSSD track in Wisconsin *whimpers*
I Played Softball 4 yrs Volleyball 4 Yrs and Basketball 1 Yr. *Feel Shorty to play basketball* heh!

My Sisters and I Played a softball team in our Hometown for One Whole Summer. That was Fun! *That time My Younger Sister got hit by a ball trying to caught a fly Ball in the Outfield* (Opps)
I was in track my senior year.. i did the shot put.. my best toss was 26 feet 3 inches, or something like that. =/
Opps, forgive me here , I thought I posted...

I played volleyball and softball for 4 years in high school, also when I was younger , I played softball with another team during the summer!

Love baseball and volleyball, if anyone putting together a team , call me up heh!
At school years, 2 years swimming team (Jr High and High school)... 2 years softball team (both in Jr High school)... 1 year track (High school)... tried soccer, volleyball, basketball, tennis (been in shape) :D

In the leagues, I been played in softball when I was young....(6 to 16 yrs old)
<---not a natural athlete

Was in yearbook and newspaper clubs throughout my high school.

Ive always wished that I was born with athletic skills!!!
Baseball and Soccer, When I was young and played awful lot playing three sports and mostly I used play Floor ball hockey games during in High School.

I'm mother right now and lost my skills and to play soccer. I still playing in slo-pitch baseball game and currency no play this year and wait until next year will re-join to play slo-pitch baseball. I left the slo-pitch baseball game for 3 years due my prior children come first and to be there for my child(s) participle play their sport involved.
Sport during school time:

Sport before married:
Ladies Football (Soccer)
Ice Staker
ride with bicycle

I haven´t been sport over 19 years since I married... :doh: but I do sometimes

ride with bicycle bicycle

Well, I´ll start to join Badmintion for a first time next week.. It´s long time since I last play in 1984... :giggle:
Umm, my school did not have sport clubs when I was growing up. So the sports I did was during after hours. It was swimming, basketball, badminton and gymnasium.

In Canada, I signed up for dance, baseball and swimming. I dropped out of swimming. ended up as assistant on baseball, not a player! :mad:
oh well...
I did made in basketball, volleyball, dancing, and soccer teams. but my team said, "Wow you are about having a natural talent of basketball player!"You are really lucky!" I realized, oh yeah but i am not. Jk lol yeah i am a talent of basketball player than all sports i do! but Basketball is my mostly favorite sport second is Volleyball thirth is soccer fourth is dancing or cheerleader lol obivously, is the dancing part of sports?
In high school,
track & field
runs 100, 200 & 400m
javlin, shotput, long jump & high jump

-roman wrestler (3rd place for 140lbs weight in East Ontario in 1985)
-box locrosse(Iwish)
-floor hockey
thats it.
I tried out for all freshman, J.V. and Varisty Volleyball, J.V. and Varisty Soccer (girl/boy), Varisty cheerleading, field hockey, and track n field. I made on team.
I was assistant manager for track and field team and joined for the swimming team, too at CSDF
I joined paddle tennis -- not a big sport thing, but at least it kept me busy in school. :giggle:
I did swimming, athletics for sports day, T-ball, softball, field hockey and netball. Out of all of them, I enjoyed swimming the most, and T-ball kinda sucked lol.