What Kind Of Pet Do U Have????

some do, mine may live till its arround 60... my mothers type have been known to live almost 150 years
Deaf_Jen, Nice Animals you got there.. So Cute!! :D
lol thanks... there nice to look at but a pain inthe rear to look after....... you dont want your hearing aids in when they all start barking squalking talking and meowing... trust me :S


my dogs just what we call a heinz 57 a dog of all breeds.. a mut... lol
oh and i cant forget my little brother... he's an animal... not sure which specis ;)
I have a Pitbull dog, outdoor cat, a hen and a rooster, some rats, mice and
rat snakes lol! I live in the country so there are also deer, racoons, coyotes but not my pets haha... :mrgreen:

I have 3 cats.

Snowy is my oldest is 10. He's all white long hair with amber/green eyes. He weighs about 18 lbs. He's 18 inches tall fromm the top of his head to the floor and 38 inches long not all stretched out.

Lady Victoria (Vicky) is a russian blue and white long hair. She weighs about 6 lbs. She's like someone else's cat here... mean angel. She only likes me and only about 3 % of the time does she like me. She's 4 years old and next to Snowy looks like a kitten. I never bothered to try and measure her.

And then the baby is Danny. He's almost a year old. He's a peach and white medium hair and weighs I think about 7 lbs. He and Snowy are the lover boys. they love to cuddle and be held. Vicky is the Bitch.

I'm at school so I can't attach pictures but you can see Danny and Snowy at 2 of my websites.

Danny's picture is located in the photogallery linked to the website in my signature. My friend and Teacher Ann Reifel is holding him.

Snowy's picture is located on my personal website. If you go to the page in my signature and then click about me. Then Click enter my world (I think) but all you may have to do is click My Cats and you can read about Snowy and Vicky and see a picture of Snowy.

Man I'm long winded today.
wow! Linux is big boy! Like his name. AGreed with Katzie's comment.

I do have a cat. His name is Kobe. Yeah, I am dieheard fan of LA Lakers. Named him after Kobe Bryant and my passionate in Japanese.

My Kobe
Awww...lovely pictures! :)

I have two burmese cats -- am a part time burmese breeder. The sable brown one is Rosie and the Tortie blue is Pizza.

Here's one of Rosie.... (I don't have a pic of Pizza on hand, but I will as soon as I find one. :) )


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Nice pets you have there.
I had a reptile pet in my room. His name's Sandrock and its' 9" long Marbled Gecko. I had him for 2 years. I kept him in old 20 gal. aquarium and fed him with living crickets. He pefer living crickets better than dead ones. But crickets dont live long than Sandrock does.
I'm been doing some rearchs on popular lizards such as bearded dragons or leopard geckos.
Not only pet in my house, also a dog belong to my mom. He's golden Chihuahua. I really love him so much!!! He's so toying with me or love to pet his sweet fur.
Katzie said:
Pizza?! :rofl: Why didcha name a cat Pizza?? Rosie's a beautiful cat. :thumb:

Awww, ta Katzie -- Rosie's the apple of my eye. ;) I love her to death...she's one clever little bugger! She knows how to open the flywire screen door to the front door and open bathroom and bedroom doors! :roll:

As for Pizza -- that is only a nick name. Her real name is Meaux Purretti Confetti (professional show cat name). Reason for the nickname -- hubby and I thought that was a better nick than Fetta (like in cheese).

**This picture doesn't do justice for Pizza's colouring. She actually has more blue in her markings, but it didn't show in the picture. :(


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Oh, forgot to add about that picture of Pizza -- you must be wondering what article of clothing she's playing with....guess? ;) It's my hubby's clean pair of underwear!!! :laugh2: We found that she had dragged it out of an overnighter bag that was in the loungeroom and got herself wrapped up in it. :P
Malfoyish said:
Maybe you shouldn't feed it too much. :) :rofl:

Vampy trust me you don't want to live by that piece of advice she just gave you. Go Ahead and feed that snake..frequently and often variety in feed is a good thing too..lol
coffeeeeman said:
Vampy trust me you don't want to live by that piece of advice she just gave you. Go Ahead and feed that snake..frequently and often variety in feed is a good thing too..lol

:::gasp::: Mike!!! :slap:
Give me snake if you dont want keep it long time. But please remind me about securing the cage tight or snake will going to have my sweet gecko as dinner.

Is that snake joke or real one? If it is real, please tell us what's kind of species which snake really is?