What kind of Internet Service Provider do you have at home?


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May 20, 2003
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I had Norfolk County provider for years. Now, Earthlink takes over that provider. I was trying to connect with Earthlink. I dislike their service beause you could not speak with live represenative. They kept to send me to auto answering machine as I feel like that I was talking with bunches of robots. I cancelled that service with Earthlink.

AOL is awful expensive.

Comcast is extremely expensive !!

I have been difficult to make the decision to choice a good provider and reasonable price. I found one. http://www.fedweeknet.com/ it is included dsl speed, etc... Only cost me 13.40 a month since I am working for Federal Government. It sounds like a good deal to me, although I haven't ever heard of "CNW" which is the provider.

However, I am thinking of encouraging my father to get an Internet connection for his PC at home. I am wondering what to suggest for him.

What kind of internet provider service do you have at home ? I dislike AOL due to too many adveristment and spam emails.

Hope I will like the new isp with fedweeknet
Of course Comcast is expensive, it's high speed. AOL isn't high speed so they're cheaper. If you want high speed, you gotta expect it to cost more. My parents use Comcast. My friends use Roadrunner. Those who use AOL are stuck with dial-up and don't do much on the internet.
Optimum Online @ home. Transfer rate is around 1.16 MB/sec.

If you have Optimum Online by Cablevision in your area, I highly recommended going with them. But, then again, the price per month might be a little too costly.

Good luck.
I use comcast...it's true it is expensive but fortunately, I used special plan combine with TV cable make a cheaper as good deal...how fortunately. I used to be AOL member for few years but hated it..I did use verizon, it was no problem with DSL at good reasonable..when we moved to other location and found out this location dont carry verizon dsl service as it upsets me...so I was forced to change to Comcast until the good deal was made so I grabbed it...I dont like dial up because I am very high user of researching, reviewing, and browse on movies, videogaming, and other good reasons.

I loved comcast because it is much easier for me to use plus using outlook express / ms outlook..more managable for me than AOL...because AOL will delete old emails after 7 days this is cons...often of the time, I had to transfer email to file cabinet or to my hard drive...I realize this AOL screw up my saved emails in file cabinet..it is one of few reason this I quitted AOL long time ago.
VamPyroX said:
Of course Comcast is expensive, it's high speed. AOL isn't high speed so they're cheaper. If you want high speed, you gotta expect it to cost more. My parents use Comcast. My friends use Roadrunner. Those who use AOL are stuck with dial-up and don't do much on the internet.

Actually, no ...I am using AOL for Broadband. But, you're right. It is expensive. We use Bell South as our ISP also. I'm currently in the hunt for my own computer, and when I get it, I'm ditching AOL and going with Bell South. They have an integrated messenger service, so I can chat with AIM, ICQ, and MSN users. :)
I used to go go with Yahoo SBC DSL because of the cost. But now that we were susposed to have 2 more computers on my network so i ditched DSL and moved up to RR cable. 1 didnt come :( So theres just 3 PC on network but the cable bill is split in 3 ways so its not a big problem. At least theres no bottleneck when everybody's online. :thumb:
Sabrina said:
I had Norfolk County provider for years. Now, Earthlink takes over that provider. I was trying to connect with Earthlink. I dislike their service beause you could not speak with live represenative. They kept to send me to auto answering machine as I feel like that I was talking with bunches of robots. I cancelled that service with Earthlink.

You should use Live chat on www.earthlink.net in the support area.. I use live chat on earthlink website for tech or customer services..

I use Earthlink Cable thru Time Warner Cable TV.. it's been for 10 years on my earthlink account, as they gave me 1 month free as 10th annversity.

Earthlink High Speed can do up to 3 Mbps! sometime I gets around nearly 3.2 or 3.4 Mbps.
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Im on RR (roadrunner) i love cable for high speed internet, it's help with computer in many ways!
I use Internet 2 as my internet connection. It's extremely high speed.
I used to have Optushome @Home (sister company of ComCast) but moved onto Dart -- its services aren't really up to scratch these days. :mad: Once our 12 month contract's run out in a few months, we plan on switching over to a different ISP.
1993-2002 56K (either Earthlink and AOL)
2002-2003 AOL for Broadband
2003- present Comcast's High Speed Internet

Don't like 56K as well, too many booted. Switched to others. Less booted and able to see too many pictures quickly. Guess that I am a virtueless person. LOL
We have Walmart Connection Internet service but it's 56k dial-up so we are going to get Comcast cable moderm asap in our area. :mrgreen:
I have msn dail-up internet service....
I have AOL dial-up 1999-present cuz I live f**kin country and they doesnt have provide high speed like comcast, roadrunner and other or DSL. I used NZ (NetZero) for a month but it has problem and disconnect itself so I cancelled TODAY ON AUGUST 21 2004 AND STILL USING AOL DIAL UP! ;)
1992 -1993 Execulink Dial up 28kps then move to 56kps
1993 (3 mos) hate server Linkdata communications 56kps *slowwwwwwwwwwwest*
1993 - 1996 Rogers Cablemodem
1996 to Present Sympatico.ca (DSL) *condisder* will join Rogers Hi-lite Ultra speed (maybe)

ALL ISP are Canada
Sabrina said:
I had Norfolk County provider for years. Now, Earthlink takes over that provider. I was trying to connect with Earthlink. I dislike their service beause you could not speak with live represenative. They kept to send me to auto answering machine as I feel like that I was talking with bunches of robots. I cancelled that service with Earthlink.
Sabrina - EarthLink is a deaf-friendly business to use. They have a toll-free (800) TTY line for the deaf customers.

I loved using EarthLink, I'd have stayed with EarthLink if BellSouth (my regional telephone company) didn't offer better deals on DSL services.

I currently use BellSouth's Extreme DSL (its fastest DSL services).
Its Look Communication INC.
I'm using Look UltraFast DSL 3.0
Download speed up to 3.0 mbps
Upload speed up to 640 kbps
WhoCare said:
Its Look Communication INC.
I'm using Look UltraFast DSL 3.0
Download speed up to 3.0 mbps
Upload speed up to 640 kbps
Guess what.. Too bad 4 me and can't have Look.ca which not available in my area..
I have Roadrunner cable thru Time-Warner cable TV.