What kind of Christmas tree do you put up for the holiday?


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2007
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Small, Charlie Brown style?

In the past, I remember that I was putting up Xmas pine tree in the living room but not this year.
The pine trees smelled so nice and fresh when I passed by.
What about you, guys?
a real mini one..... like a flower pot size. we do not have a space for it in our condo.
The fake tree that belonged to MIL (I think it's about 40 years old). We will put that up every year until she dies. Then we'll go back to real trees.
Fake tree.. years ago we used to buy real trees for Xmas tree on the farm but not anymore...
small fake orange tree with black garland and motorcyces all over it... oh and oil can lights that is supose to go on my camper...lol
Fake tree - but it is down @ the coast house, I am spending christmas down the coast with family.
No tree this year even fakes too cuz we spend all my SSA check for down payment for our 1996 Ford Thunderbird LX..... SIGH!!!
A cedar tree in my front yard. I rescued it when we moved here and it is now about 6 feet tall and can hold ornaments. No trees in house. I am allergic and we have small dogs.
We purchase a real tree (Douglas Fir) from the Christmas tree dealers in the city. We used to go out on the farm and cut our own but dad's knees have been getting worse over the years.

I imagine when me and my DD are on our own we will probably come back to the farm to find a small pine to cut down and haul home. If I live in apartment we'll be getting a fake tree.
a real mini one..... like a flower pot size. we do not have a space for it in our condo.

A real cut tree...

Jiro, just nail a 7 foot tree to the ceiling...upside down....
for this library, it's books:

I have a 4ft pre-lit artificial tree this year. It will be trashed when the ornaments come off. It was leaning in one direction. We fixed that, but now it's really leaning in the other direction. Can't have a real tree due to allergies. I will be buying a new 6 ft tree after Christmas for next year.
for this library, it's books:


That's awesome! I should recommend that to my local library for next year. Collect books starting in November to build a Christmas tree, then the books could be donated to needy children.
A cedar tree in my front yard. I rescued it when we moved here and it is now about 6 feet tall and can hold ornaments. No trees in house. I am allergic and we have small dogs.

If you have a male dog he might think you gave him an indoor toilet for a Christmas present! My dog is a male and he love to pee on trees!
This one I like:

It is from PACMAN.