What kind of cause heart attack?


New Member
Apr 28, 2005
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I wondering how did heart attack comes from too much fat cells, overweight,clot,and overdose by cocaine or herion or meth and what else?
There are many kinds of heart attacks caused by stress, high chorlestel, genetic disorder, excessive fat in the body, there are many different reasons. You should research on google to find lot more information about heart attacks.
Yes right there is one way can find out through by google.

But some of other people did not pay attention of what they are doing out there and concentrate on others too much not thinking of heart attack is ahead of them then suddenly did not expectly of that too. So I rather to give them a chance to think twice as they can turn steps back to look at google for more info. and what is good to eat is good for health and heart disease fighter too.

sequoias said:
There are many kinds of heart attacks caused by stress, high chorlestel, genetic disorder, excessive fat in the body, there are many different reasons. You should research on google to find lot more information about heart attacks.
I know there are at least three different ways to get heart attack, but I am not familiar with other ways. As sequoias said, there are many ways. The 3 ways I know are caused by: 1. high cholesterol that can cause angina or blockage of blood flow to the heart; 2. blood clot developed from getting bumped, a mild to very hard strike on sensitive area or any area of the body; 3. scar tissue from surgery. (see my other post)

There are natural cures for all 3 listed above.
Yes that is true. and the reason they need to know careful and prevent from heir.

I would like to suggest them to take care of heart and the only best way is to use wheatgrass juices is the best kind to prevent from heart attack if they do not know what kind of cause heart attack simply take some drink wheatgrass juice everyday for life and can live longer up to 115 years old !

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RebelGirl said:
Also can be from heriditary.. (runs in the family)
RebelGirl said:
Also can be from heriditary.. (runs in the family)

Yes, many certain types of diseases or illnesses are hereditary (passing on from parent to children, grandchildren and on and on) and to me it sounds like "doomsday attachment" that cannot be stopped. But I have good news! I really believe that hereditary diseases can be changed! My biological mother (I'm adopted) warned me that she inherited Parkinson's disease from her ancestors who had the same disease. (I have seen her shaking palsy and it was very noticeable) Some months of pondering about what she told me, I remembered my hands shaking some years before she told me it was inherited. But long before she told me, I had already cured Parkinson's disease by accident! I did not know the real reason why my hands shook until after I met my mom. The "doomsday attachment" was broken!

Another one... an elderly deaf man who also was a good friend of mine (one of Gallaudet's great football players during the time of World War II. I'll mention his first name: Otto He had some heart problems for some years until he mentioned it to me and told me it was inherited from his ancestors. In my response to Otto, I suggested he take certain minerals and asked if he would agree trying out the minerals to see if it would help him. He needed those minerals anyway even if they did not help cure his heart problems. Well, as it turned out 2 weeks after he started taking the minerals daily, he said he felt great and no more heart problems. Again in this different case, the "doomsday attachment" was broken!

Now, I really believe hereditary illnesses or diseases can be broken and that is really good news! You never know unless you go to the right place and get the right natural product. One of the secrets of getting around in this huge world of ours is one very simple word... ASK!
my late grandfather had 2 heart attack before he died he had heart attack for first time in 1975 and they again in 1976 he got killed himself of heart attack! he already died at ages 41 years old! my mom told me about that because he smoking too much!

and my dad never had heart attack since his heart surgery and my Uncle almost got heart attack and he almost died!

Sara Boyce
There are many kinds that cause heart attack. I was one of them which had heart attack last year caused by stressed and overdoing.. There are many things that ppls are unexpecting without any warning.. Right now I am doing pretty better than before since I just retired from my job and get more rest to be more health!! But continue to seek the dr. to keep up with my heart...
HiBluE01 said:
My stepdad was heart attack from artery and he died last year.

yeah same thing happened to my dad, he died last January of this year.

I wonder if you have a bad heart for a while then can it cause more problems for your health? Or cause heart attack quick?