What is your job/career?

Wirelessly posted

Alex said:
I work part-time for the local newspaper. First got the job there while I was still in high school (like 10th grade maybe? around 2002ish). Been with them ever since. I've worked at other jobs part time in addition to my newspaper job here and there but they didn't work out (stress and anxiety really messed me up at 1 job, and the other just wasn't right for me). I'm so sick and bored of my job with the newspaper that I'm ready for something different so I'm in college taking basic classes until I have all the necessary credits to get into the radiography program (hopefully next year I'll be able to apply for the program). I'm 27 and just figured out what I wanted to do with my life.
I remember my first newspaper job when I was 14 years old. I forgot the job position but I had to go outside and knock on people's doors, trying to get them to subscribe to newspapers. Although I did not like harassing these folks, it was a good learning experience. After 2 weeks of working for my local newspaper, I received my first check of 7 measly dollars. Needless to say, I quit the following day. :ugh3:

7 bucks! Wow! Now, I know you are not an elderly person. What a rip off!
Wirelessly posted

I thought you were attending to FSDB. What happened?

I thought I explained in one of my threads? I will explain again. My father were dying that time and I wanted to go back to J L Mann because of Drama program and FSDB doesn't have.
I work for a local newspaper handling circulation.
Nothing to brag about but its cut and dry type stuff, only 2 days a week and decent pay.