What is your funny Deaf moment


New Member
Dec 27, 2013
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During one sunny fall 2012, my close friend and I(both HoH)were signing to each other coming from after school. I seen him signed/voiced "watch out Moe!" but the thing is that I ended up hitting my head on the street light pole haha:laugh2:
Wirelessly posted (ZTE X501 Phone)

DeafEdMajor said:
During one sunny fall 2012, my close friend and I(both HoH)were signing to each other coming from after school. I seen him signed/voiced "watch out Moe!" but the thing is that I ended up hitting my head on the street light pole haha:laugh2:

I have one. One day in school, our teacher cut up a big orange pepper, and told us to take a bite, and said it was a sweet pepper. Yeah, right. The orange color was a giveaway that it was Fire Department hot, but my friend said, "Okay", and ate a slice. Well, as expected, his face turned as red as a tomato, and off he ran to stick his mouth under the faucet in the bathroom. That's one of my best and memorable moments. Thing is, I'd called her bluff, and knew better.
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Wirelessly posted (ZTE X501 Phone)

I have one. One day in school, our teacher cut up a big orange pepper, and told us to take a bite, and said it was a sweet pepper. Yeah, right. The orange color was a giveaway that it was Fire Department hot, but my friend said, "Okay", and ate a slice. Well, as expected, his face turned as red as a tomato, and off he ran to stick his mouth under the faucet in the bathroom. That's one of my best and memorable moments. Thing is, I'd called her bluff, and knew better.

What does that have to do with a funny deaf moment?

I can't think of a moment that is related to deafness. I'll have to think about that...Oh yeah there's one I can think of...

My deaf friend and I went to a fast food place and he wanted Chicken sandwich. He couldn't pronounce Chicken right to be understood. The cashier kept saying, what? He finally acted out Chicken, with his arms folded to his side and flapped his "wings" to animate a chicken. The cashier got it! That was so hilarious! We laughed so hard afterwards but he had to do what he had to do to get understood.
Wirelessly posted (ZTE X501 Phone)

MangaReader said:
Wirelessly posted (ZTE X501 Phone)

I have one. One day in school, our teacher cut up a big orange pepper, and told us to take a bite, and said it was a sweet pepper. Yeah, right. The orange color was a giveaway that it was Fire Department hot, but my friend said, "Okay", and ate a slice. Well, as expected, his face turned as red as a tomato, and off he ran to stick his mouth under the faucet in the bathroom. That's one of my best and memorable moments. Thing is, I'd called her bluff, and knew better.

What does that have to do with a funny deaf moment?

I can't think of a moment that is related to deafness. I'll have to think about that...Oh yeah there's one I can think of...

My deaf friend and I went to a fast food place and he wanted Chicken sandwich. He couldn't pronounce Chicken right to be understood. The cashier kept saying, what? He finally acted out Chicken, with his arms folded to his side and flapped his "wings" to animate a chicken. The cashier got it! That was so hilarious! We laughed so hard afterwards but he had to do what he had to do to get understood.

My friend was HoH.
What does that have to do with a funny deaf moment?

I can't think of a moment that is related to deafness. I'll have to think about that...Oh yeah there's one I can think of...

My deaf friend and I went to a fast food place and he wanted Chicken sandwich. He couldn't pronounce Chicken right to be understood. The cashier kept saying, what? He finally acted out Chicken, with his arms folded to his side and flapped his "wings" to animate a chicken. The cashier got it! That was so hilarious! We laughed so hard afterwards but he had to do what he had to do to get understood.

Hahaha good one :laugh2:
What does that have to do with a funny deaf moment?

I can't think of a moment that is related to deafness. I'll have to think about that...Oh yeah there's one I can think of...

My deaf friend and I went to a fast food place and he wanted Chicken sandwich. He couldn't pronounce Chicken right to be understood. The cashier kept saying, what? He finally acted out Chicken, with his arms folded to his side and flapped his "wings" to animate a chicken. The cashier got it! That was so hilarious! We laughed so hard afterwards but he had to do what he had to do to get understood.

That is a Deaf moment, all right. I like that. He is using Deaf Culture if he could not get through a hearing person. Good thinking. :D
Hahaha good one :laugh2:

I had to that not too long ago I wanted to buy some chicken and the person could not understand me so I flapped my arms like a chicken . My funniest one was when I was going to Mexico and I asked someone where a good place to leave my dog and the woman misunderstood me and started to tell about a place for people and the woman was going on and on about how good the food was and the beds had great pillows and I was thinking boy my dog is going to love this. My boyfriend did not say anything because he was having to much fun listening. After talking to the woman for 10 minutes I realize she did not understand me and though I wanted a place for me and NOT my dog!
I asked my boyfriend why he did not say something , he said it so funny listening to us both talking about two different things. I will have admit it was funny.
funny thing? I was on Instagram and I found someone with a very simliar hearing loss to mine (her profound loss was worse since it dipped at 120 db while mine is at 100!) #kindatwinning