What is your favourite chocolate or candies?


New Member
Apr 18, 2004
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My favourite is now Reese Peanut Butter Cups. And Kit Kat Bites.

Candies: hmm, I think I like Chupa Chup lollypop the best.
I love M&M peanuts and Hershey bar.. *lick my lips* also love Chocolate & Rocky Road ice cream!!
I used to eat chocolate-flavored candies, especially Reese's Peanut Butter cups, but I have stopped eating much because most of times whenever I get some, they taste old and there isn't expiration date on the packages.

I'll settle for anything like Skittles or anything that is fruit-flavored!
The third night of my cruise trip last year they had a chocolate festival at midnight they had many things made with chocolate including a 10 foot dragon, 6 ft eagle, and a large castle big enough to fit a few kids in them.

I had the sushi at the bar upstairs cause I dont eat chocolate any more too sweet for my throat. But I was able to watch hundreds people turn into pigs in fields of chocolate mud.

Woman need her BEST FRIEND - Chocolate. :D

I like M&M's and Kisses mostly of time.
MizzDeaf said:
Woman need her BEST FRIEND - Chocolate. :D

I like M&M's and Kisses mostly of time.
:rofl: yea i agree with u that woman need her BEST FRIEND - choclate!!!!!!! :fruit:
I like Chupa Chups, too. :) Nestle's Krunch. ;) I miss the US's Reese's Peanut Butter Cups though...hafta get Mum post some to me, heheh!

I eat very little of chocolate due to my allergic reaction to chocolate. :( But I do eat fruity chewy lollies instead of chocolate to satisfy my sweet tooth, :lol:
I'm fond of sour candy. Sour Punch straws, M&M's with Peanuts, Skittles, Reese's Pieces. MMMM.

Chocolate - well, I don't know if many of ya know it since it's not a big name like Godiva, but Dove Chocolate is mighty good!
Choc: Reeses PB Cups and Snickers

Candy: Gummy bears and SweeTarts
I used grew up and eating those.... Coffee Crisp/Kit Kat

Mostly hooked w/ LINDITT *Damnit richy chocolate tasty so DELCOUISLY* tempt me.. aw shucks!
whatever that strikes my moods LOL -- i particularly like hershey kisses, M&Ms and etc :D
Peanøtts kubbes. It tastes a bit like reesecup but its a bar like snickers. :) my all time fav!
Dang, Thanks a lot for mentioning the C word.... tsk tsk, now I feel like going to the store and getting some to enjoy...

Really, I love all kinds of chocolate -- especially dark chocolate. Dove is pretty good, and so is Godiva, and also World Finess Chocolates. I think I tend to go for the "fancy" chocolates than the generic and common chocolates like Hershey and See's etc. But if they're available, I wouldn't mind it. :)

Candies -- I like Red Vines, Old-fashioned salt water taffy, and Skittles (original flavors).

Mmmm maybe a group of us could start a chocolate and candies exchange -- like if there are anything unique to your area, you share with others not in your area -- YUM!!!
MizzDeaf said:
Woman need her BEST FRIEND - Chocolate. :D

I like M&M's and Kisses mostly of time.

TweetyBird said:
:rofl: yea i agree with u that woman need her BEST FRIEND - choclate!!!!!!! :fruit:

Easy for both of ya to saying that. Myself as a woman has "semi-enemy" with chocolate. That mean I have to learn to say NO or very limit on that. Only I prefer eat Resee's white chocolate. FYI: Chocolate can trigger u or some people to have mirgraine headaches like I do.
Sweet_KJ said:
Mmmm maybe a group of us could start a chocolate and candies exchange -- like if there are anything unique to your area, you share with others not in your area -- YUM!!!

What a neat idea! undefinedundefined :thumb: