What is your favorite soap bar?

wow, thank you for share interesting post here...

See my first thread that I only use bar soap for hands and part of my body only if I use on bathroom sink.
I like the Dove soap bar. As for your question about why we use soap bar at the most, for myself, it depends on my mood. I usually use the liquid soap for my own speciality bath time, but if I was in hurry then I would just use the soap bar so that I don't have to take more time to put the soap liquid on my body then use the scrubs, etc. while soap bar don't have to.
Sweet Orchid,

LOL, LOL, LOL. Actually that is the only soap that doesn't bother his skin. He has albinism and his skin is very sensitive. He's had cancer removed upteen times and he has to be careful. So, yeah, maybe his feminine side is coming out. LOL, LOL. Actually he introduced ME to caress.

I use to use Dove, but I too have skin problems, and that doesn't bother me. Now for my face, I can't use anything but Cetaphil. If I don't, then I break out in cystic acne really bad.

Nice to meet you Sweetorchid!

Umm.. Does he use it to get in touch with his feminie side?? LOL:giggle:
I cannot stand soap bars because they cause my skin dry. I rather use any liquids. I like use bath and body works most time.
None, I hate bar soap but last time was Irish Spring in more than last 10 years ago.
Umm.. Does he use it to get in touch with his feminie side?? LOL:giggle:

Ha,, well I have seen men use women soap bar and reading women maginzines and checking out women s boxers shorts ha ha.. I guess it only natural for some men to explore their feminie side ha ha. :giggle:
I don't use bar soaps. I use shower gel/body wash instead. I am currently using White Rain's Ocean Mist, which smells good!
I still use Dove soap.

The only Dove soap I won't use is Moisture Cucumber & Green Tea as it made my skin itchy and dry.