What is your favorite movie for 2008 so far?


New Member
Apr 4, 2008
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What is your favorite movie for this year 2008 so far?

I had been seen few movies like Jumper and Iron Man. I liked Iron Man movie better than Jumper! Can not wait to see the movie "Indian Jones" and HULK!! Am trying to find time to see the "Indian Jones" and HULK
jumper pissed me off cause they dropped tom sturridge and theresa palmer for hayden christensen and rachel bilson who aren't even that good actors. i wanted to see tom and jamie bell in movie together. oh well i guess was for the best cause jumper kind of sucked to me.

prince caspian would have to be my favorite movie of year so far cause i've waited to see it since the fall of 2007. the wait was worth it!.
fourth movie of Indiana Jones, as now. It's only 2008 movie I watched now. Perhaps see Wall-E, The Dark Knight, Hancock, and The Mummy 3.

Is Wall-E the silent movie?
So far for 2008, I've liked National Treasure: Book of Secrets and it met my expectations :)

Oh, and also First Sunday is quite funny but it has a moral to it in a sense.
So far for 2008, I've liked National Treasure: Book of Secrets and it met my expectations :)

Oh, and also First Sunday is quite funny but it has a moral to it in a sense.

So far I have watched Natural Treasure 2 was pretty good just a good as the first movie. I also liked the movie Sex and the City new movie hit was pretty good and man it was good! But I haven't got a chance to see this new movie called The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, you gotta love Brendan Fraser! ha.
I haven't decided because I haven't seen some of the movies and plus some good movies are coming up this summer, also.
I heard good movie already out but no get a chance to see it called "Nim's Island" seems good to me.
so far, hmmmmm hard to say, american gangster seemed to stand out, interesting story
this year is shite, especially the first half. there has been hardly anything worth mentioning. The Dark Knight is my most anticipated; The Curious Case of Benjamin Button looks to be the best this year.