I have the hook up for 3 wood burners, possibly 4 if I want in my house and that will be my primary heat. I actually went yesterday and finnished cutting some downed trees on the property that whoever downed before and somewhat sorted/stacked by size. I have a few more dead standing timber a buddy and I will fell this weekend and alot more trees I dont want around the house. There are 4 monster oak trees close to the house Im going to have to hire a professional to take down, but the ones away from the house Im gonna have fun with...lol
I have offered to share some wood with anyone willing to come help cut but amazing who wants it free and not help. The stuff already down is pretty well seasoned if not already rotting, the stuff standing is pretty solid, and the others are still very much healthy just I dont want all the trees, Keeping 2 nice birch trees off the side of the house to build a treehouse for my son later down the road.
anyways.. I like my house toasty and comfortable in the winter around 78 or so, but I can tolerate the cold as well (former water utility worker used to working in freezing conditions in water) But hate getting out of a hot shower into a freezing room...lol
Now A/C is a different story, I love it cold in the summer. I cant take the heat like I once did working in Forrestry or street department, I think all the surgeries took a toll on me?
Like Diehard states, heating with wood, we basically have no heating bill, just a gas bill for running a cook stove.