What is transgender?


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Mar 23, 2005
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I haven't seen this word before. Please explain and give example.
The perfect example of a famous transgender named Dragonsani Renteria. She was a second generation lesbian to her lesbian mother and has one gay brother and one straight brother. Eventually, Drago decided to transform from female to man. She was required to take hormones therapy pills, undergo sex change surgery to remove female breasts, etc.. It takes years for her to change physically.

Now, she becomes HE. (I admit that I like the name of Dragonsani because it is so unique).

See the information on Drago at http://drago.deafqueer.org/

I met him once at SF Gay Pride March in June 2003. He was interesting dude with a colorful history.
Don't get confuse with two terms of transgender and transvetitive.

Transgender, known as trannies), means the person changes from Female to Man, or vice versa...undergo sex change surgery, etc.

Transvetitive (sp).. gay guys who like to wear female clothes... like retired NBA basketball player, Dennis Rodman, for instance.
Transgender is FTM (Female to Male) and MTF (Male to Female).
Crossdressed is (pre-transgender). like asexual (male/female during half time).

I seen lot of transgenders here.
I understand that you don't know what that term means because the terms change as time goes on. Shemales and other words used to be common but today people use transgender and transsexual to mean people who have genders that stray from the mainstream. We must remember that there is a difference between sex and gender. Sex is a combination of chromosomes [xy, xx etc], hormones [estrogen, testosterone] gonads [testicles, ovaries] outward sex organs [penis, vulva] and secondary sex characteristics, [facial hair, low voice, adams apple, muscle distribution, breasts etc]. Sex is biological, though we must note that there are more than 2 sexes, there are people with chromosomes and genitals that don't match either male or female- these we used to call hermaphrodites but they are now called intersex.
Gender, on the other hand, refers to masculine and feminine etc. This includes our clothing, hair styles, mannerisms and other things that we pick up that are not linked to sex but have come to signify it. [For example there is no reason why chromosomes or a vulva would determine that a female would wear lipstick]
There are many ways to be transgender, too many to count. Some people get surgery to become as the 'opposite' sex while others merely dress according to a different gender than the one they were expected to take on from birth. If you meet trans friends, just be respectful, ask them if they like he or she and then use whichever, and try not to ask for private information unless it is volunteered. Never ask someone if they've had surgery- thats very personal.
Lots of people in history might be called trans today, even though its very much a modern word. Think of Joan of Arc, or the hundreds of men who fought in the US civil war who were actually 'female'. There's so much to learn about trans issues for those of us who are not exposed to them...
Good post, Operatorally.

What I can explain is:

Crossdresser- A person who wear the oppose gender just for fun.

Drag Queen/King- A person who wear the oppose gender for the theaterical reason.

Transgender- A group of varies gender identify expression.

Transversite- A person who wear the oppose sex WITHOUT taking any of hormone therapy or surgery.

Transsexual- A person who take the hormone therapy and/or surgery produces to change its own gender.

Remember, transgender is not only about who are men or women, but there is a lot of varies genders such like:

Man (ofc you know :) )

Woman (yea know too :) )

Androgyne- A person who feel like he/she is both woman and man, or neither.

Hijra- A Indian transgender group in Indian, they do not take the hormone, but chop their gential off and wear anything that are effeminie.

Two-Spirit- The Native American beliefs about the people who are transgender.

There is alot of varies, even more!
Good post, Operatorally.

What I can explain is:

Crossdresser- A person who wear the oppose gender just for fun.

Drag Queen/King- A person who wear the oppose gender for the theaterical reason.

Transgender- A group of varies gender identify expression.

Transversite- A person who wear the oppose sex WITHOUT taking any of hormone therapy or surgery.

Transsexual- A person who take the hormone therapy and/or surgery produces to change its own gender.

Remember, transgender is not only about who are men or women, but there is a lot of varies genders such like:

Man (ofc you know :) )

Woman (yea know too :) )

Androgyne- A person who feel like he/she is both woman and man, or neither.

Hijra- A Indian transgender group in Indian, they do not take the hormone, but chop their gential off and wear anything that are effeminie.

Two-Spirit- The Native American beliefs about the people who are transgender.

There is alot of varies, even more!

PuyoPiyo, you got that right for this words meaning for "Transgender"!!! Good job PuyoPiyo! And 258 for Hijra and Two-Spirit as we didn't know about that. Wow a :gpost:! :D
Kewl!!! Now I know what those words are. I can go out and state the correct word. :)

PuyoPiyo, you got that right for this words meaning for "Transgender"!!! Good job PuyoPiyo! And 258 for Hijra and Two-Spirit as we didn't know about that. Wow a :gpost:! :D

No problemo! :) I am very into the history of transgender like those Hijras and Two-Spirited, they are very interesting! :)

Kewl!!! Now I know what those words are. I can go out and state the correct word. :)


Aww no problemo! :)