What is best way confront friend being negative about herself?

over the years I had friends similar situation you think got through to them but out of fear or scared of future they go own sweet way and you wasted hours for nothing..
I have a friend who in muslim marriage her life is hell she secretly changed religion to Christian,her three girls aswell she now barred from seeing them by her husband and mother ..her son gets away with hell...her husband has hit her so viontly she lost her hearing and teeth...she begs me to help her I found safe houses solisters offered her my house but each time get as far as packing her case but each time she backs out
You can't help somebody that don't want the help...as I learned that the hard way from her....She said alcohol and drinking "made her happy"....:hmm:

Ditto to this, to the OP, if you're getting tired of your friend's self-destructive behavior at least explain it to her. You don't have to be mean about it, you can simply just say, "I know it's your life but I'm just getting tired of dealing with the negativity and unless you make a change for the better I don't see us being friends anymore"

It sucks I know but some people simply are just a lost cause and you might be doing her a favor if you cut her off. It'll give her a wake-up call, hopefully.
over the years I had friends similar situation you think got through to them but out of fear or scared of future they go own sweet way and you wasted hours for nothing..
I have a friend who in muslim marriage her life is hell she secretly changed religion to Christian,her three girls aswell she now barred from seeing them by her husband and mother ..her son gets away with hell...her husband has hit her so viontly she lost her hearing and teeth...she begs me to help her I found safe houses solisters offered her my house but each time get as far as packing her case but each time she backs out

That is very common is abusive relationship , the woman become trapped with fear and doesn't leave as much as they want to. The man has control of everything the money, car food etc. . Did you see the movie
'Not with my daughter' with Sally Field ? . It's base on a true story about American woman who married a Muslim and has a daughter .
I wish people would be my friend if I'm feeling down. Making suggestions that they should get help isn't the way to go especially if you've not found time to spend with the person.