What have you learned in 2008.


New Member
Dec 19, 2007
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What have you learned in 2008, that you did not know in 2007?
I have learned a lot about myself and my personal strength.

Learning about my blindness has led me on a path of personal growth as well also has taught me about patience as well. It has been a year of inner challenges and I've used those inner challenges to channel changes from them.

It's been very productive for me.

How about you all? :)
I have learned so many things this year.

I have learned that I am a lot stronger than I thought. This year has been a real difficult one for me.
This year has been extremely difficult for me. I was forced to confront many painful issues - such as death, cancer, Alzheimers, friendships, family, myself and life itself. Prior to this year, I was always in rush and rush - not living in the moment.

Now I live in NOW - always trying to remain in this very moment knowing how fragile life is and what really means in our lives which are our families, friends and signifcant others. Nothing else matters.
Well, I learned pretty much than the year of 2007. I am totally sure that I will STILL learn new things in 2009. I am hopin' that the year of 2009 will bring good one than 2008 -- if, not then I will accept to face them and go through it just like the other year before 2008. Every year is different. :)
I have learned that my job aint sooooo safe! Even with 12 years under my belt.

<--currently laid off....
i learned how to be a mother, learned how to leave someone that was so manipative, and learned that manipative IS part of abuse. i am relearning how to be happy once again. learning how to live without pc lol. learning how to make new friends.. the right ones.

theres a lot of things i am either relearning or learning...and i am also learning all about myself. i found myself doing things i usually dont like before but now actually enjoys it.

OH and im learning how not to be night owl LOL. good night all.
I have learned about issues between relationship and friends. I tend not to let it happen this year.
2008 was a really tough year for me -- I'm glad it's over. I learned a lot in the area of how to deal with anxiety. I learned how to ground myself in the present even when I am overwhelmed by the past. I also learned that love can run extremely deep regardless of location, circumstance, or even things as fundamental as how we perceive the world.
I learned mostly about real life work experience and manipulative people, people who complain because they want to, because they can, and that what you do wrong is remembered often over what you did right.
Got very, very sick last January and learned I am not invincible.

Hope to recover more in 2009.
I learned that I am, actually deaf.

I say learned, but I mean 'accepted'. It's been an awful year, but coming to terms with that one thing has really helped me have hope for the future.

Plus it means I might finally get a dog!
I learned to spend my money more wisely thanks to the economy crashing.
I learned that the mistakes you have made from the past year; you don't need to do them again. Because You learn from your mistakes and knowing that you won't do it again.
I also learned alot of things. I learned that you can give a person a shoulder to lean on when they're down.
Ever since the marching band was over for the season last year, I felt changed. Because My band director would give us a Attitude Session on how we could improve things and how things can change our life. And I always thought those Attitude sessions were inspirational. And right now I missed those days, Because My leader section from the fall line is a senior and I also know him through Piano lessons because we had the same piano teacher, And he's going to college next year. I'm going to miss him this year sooooooooo much.