What first impression do you give out when a person meets you?


New Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I have always been told that first impression is truly important.

What is the first impression you get when a person "suddenly" finds out that you are deaf?

Me? I get various response from various people.

Many are like "Oh?" and get the Deer stuck in the headlight look. ( a long pause) Then start talking again.

Some are light, Oh cool!

I have some literally shut down and walk away.
Ur right, first impressions are important!...I've always gave a "firm" handshake" and look directly into that person's eyes and said "How do you do"?

I believe making the "first gesture" is important when being introduced.....rather than stand back and wait for the introduction to become awkward (as some hearies do that)....being self-confident is important also...don't be "meek"!....Most all people feel a little "uncomfortable" upon meeting someone new, or even meeting a deaf person for the first time....
Ur right, first impressions are important!...I've always gave a "firm" handshake" and look directly into that person's eyes and said "How do you do"?

I believe making the "first gesture" is important when being introduced.....rather than stand back and wait for the introduction to become awkward (as some hearies do that)....being self-confident is important also...don't be "meek"!....Most all people feel a little "uncomfortable" upon meeting someone new, or even meeting a deaf person for the first time....

What happens when a hearing person realizes you are deaf. Have you ever had any clam up?
What happens when a hearing person realizes you are deaf. Have you ever had any clam up?

Yes, I have....even one guy wrote on some paper..."Can you read"?....Neverless, I do try to be "friendly" and in some small cases overlook a hearie who is somewhat rude, knowing that they just don't know how to respond....even tho' it's 2009 !! A sense of humor can solve things sometimes.
Yes, I have....even one guy wrote on some paper..."Can you read"?....Neverless, I do try to be "friendly" and in some small cases overlook a hearie who is somewhat rude, knowing that they just don't know how to respond....even tho' it's 2009 !! A sense of humor can solve things sometimes.

That is hilarious for him to write it, and knowing that you will read it.


Makes me wonder... who is actually making the better first impression!
That is hilarious for him to write it, and knowing that you will read it.


Makes me wonder... who is actually making the better first impression!

Well, that the one time I was very miffed someone would do that...so I wrote back..."NO"!...with a smirk on my face.......
Babyblue..I have experienced all three that u mentioned when people first find out that I am deaf.

What I hate are the "Iam so sorry!" and then walk away. Ok whatever. :roll:
Babyblue..I have experienced all three that u mentioned when people first find out that I am deaf.

What I hate are the "Iam so sorry!" and then walk away. Ok whatever. :roll:

Same here... They are like Oh, I did not know.. Then walk away, to never be found again.

I am like...O.K. Idiots!!
I usually take out a notebook and pen to communcation with hearing people.

It's not really strong impression. But it's always so nice to see hearing people actually smiles, obviously, my communcation is doing good. :)

Of course, sometimes, it sucks. =/

Sometimes I get these Fanatics! People that are all over me asking me what is it like. How do you sign this word and that.


I find that overbearing at times too. I do love educating people about deafness. I just want to hang out. :lol:

But I do enjoy meeting new people.

I also meet some rude people... That would holler at me and say "Hey! Can you hear me" I would just give them a dirty look. and shake my head, NO!
The one that really got my goat was the woman that told my son if he just prayed hard enough, God would cure him! I interpeted and he signed back, "I'm not sick!" He was about 8 at the time.
The one that really got my goat was the woman that told my son if he just prayed hard enough, God would cure him! I interpeted and he signed back, "I'm not sick!" He was about 8 at the time.

Jillio! I had the same happened to me.

I went to a service. With my Aunt... They said if I had enough faith. I could be cured.

The pastor blamed me for not having enough faith. That is why it did not work.

It majorly pissed me off.

I was 12 at the time....
Jillio! I had the same happened to me.

I went to a service. With my Aunt... They said if I had enough faith. I could be cured.

The pastor blamed me for not having enough faith. That is why it did not work.

It majorly pissed me off.

I can certainly understand why it pissed you off. Pissed me off when it was said to my kid. He just thought the woman was nuts.:giggle:
For me, whenever I encounter someone who acts like a deer caught in headlight when finding out about my deafness, I tell them not to worry and just keep on talking. Usually, I proceed like nothing has changed but it is up to the other person to do the same or not.
As for those walking away, I usually leave it be cuz I am not really a confrontal person most of the time.

As a child, it used to upset me terribly and I would end up obsessing about it for a while.
Yes, first impression is important.

I had few people that had said, "Get outta of here!" Meaning they think I was joking about that I'm deaf. I had few people that would look like they're caught in deer headlights... like they don't know what to do as they found out I'm deaf and they just look at me like they're unsure what to do... I encourage them to go on speaking, that I'm just normal and that I can hear them through my CI. But I never had anyone that just walked away from me when they found out that I'm deaf.... so I never dealt with that before.

But most of the time, they were impressed and they want to know more about my deafness and how I can hear through CI. I must admit, that sometimes annoys me but I just bear it by smiling at them and politely explain it to them.

However... I had quite few deaf people walked away from me when they found out that I have CI... and that royally pisses me off.... just because I have CI doesn't make me less a deaf person.
The one that really got my goat was the woman that told my son if he just prayed hard enough, God would cure him! I interpeted and he signed back, "I'm not sick!" He was about 8 at the time.

There is no cure for ignorance....
Yes, I have....even one guy wrote on some paper..."Can you read"?....Neverless, I do try to be "friendly" and in some small cases overlook a hearie who is somewhat rude, knowing that they just don't know how to respond....even tho' it's 2009 !! A sense of humor can solve things sometimes.

That really made me :laugh2: People are just ignorant out there.
Sometimes if I meet someone for the first time they notice that I'm looking at their lips and ask me why. then I tell them that I'm hoh some people are okay with it some are not, like I said in another thread what piss me off is that I get that ' Nevermind' :roll: