What does your mother always tell you?


New Member
May 5, 2003
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Mom always told me I could be whatever I wanted to be when I grew up, "within reason." When I asked her what she meant by "within reason," she said, "You ask a lot of questions for a garbage man."
My mother always tells me "I love you"
I don't talk to my mom anymore, I have my reasons. My dad taught me so much about life, love and caring along with people I pass through in life everyday. ;)
She always say "Be careful" whenever I go out with my friends or drive somewhere.

Also say "I love you" :)
my mom tend to say my FULL NAME when she's mad at me but she still says I love u honey.. please be goodgirl i wont say ur full name i said okay and she dont say that anymore.. Oh boyeeeeeeee.. i do that to my own son by his full name yikes i'm like my mother hahhahaha but i love my mother very much!
BabyAngel said:
She always say "Be careful" whenever I go out with my friends or drive somewhere.

Also say "I love you" :)
My mother also always tell me "be careful" and I would tell her to stop worrying too much. She then tells me "okay, wait until you become a mother yourself and then you will understand". I realized she was so right when I became a mother 6 and a half years ago :)
She also always say "I love you".
My mother tells me that I don't listen to people carefully...
'You don't listen to people so you can't understand what they say'...
Actually, she doesn't want to accept my hearing impairment..
Her attitude toward me drives me mad !!!!
When she talks about my hearing she becomes annoying :mad:
My mother always told me, "Dress sharp. Be courteous. You're a gentleman, act like one."

My father always told me, "Never take a loan on a depreciating asset, like a car."

My brother always told me, "You are a booger brain." Upon hearing his assertion, I always called him a "big, stinkin' pansy." Fortunately, we have not grown up and still call each other names. ;)
Mom is always telling me not to roll my eyes at her. Unfortunately, I do it quite a lot, and it's gotten me in trouble quite a few times with her! :giggle:
My mother always tell me to: "be careful" whenever I go out with friends, especially when I am going in their car. Other than that, the overused phrase of hers is "call me when you get home."
Now that has evolved to: "email me when you get home"
anyway, my mom always tell me to take a shower or brush my teeth whenever I dont feel like it but dont worry guys its not like I plan to skip a year doing stuff like that...OF COURSE I would take a bath and brush my teeth just about daily. lol
Mother dearest'd tell me that I can do anything if I only work hard.

Also she always told me to text her when I need a ride.