What does Deafhood mean to YOU?

You're free to agree or disagree. However, that doesn't change anything when an unsubstantiated claim was made by lying about it.
You're free to agree or disagree. However, that doesn't change anything when an unsubstantiated claim was made by lying about it.

no one is lying. You are either HOH or deaf... pick one. Do you tell people that you are HOH instead of deaf? If yes - then nobody is lying.

Now stop with that Glenn Beck crying and be a man for once. State your stance clearly. We both know you have a certain stance and you defend it with vague neutral language. It makes you sound like Weiner :)
Boy, talk about assumptions here.

You are correct.

Extremely so.

Perhaps to express satire, sarcasm, irony or euphemism? Probably irony in this case.

Used to listen and sing along to Styx's songs such as my favorite, "Come sail away," because of its ballad-like song with some cool synthesizer pieces to it. Any songs that have ballads I like to listen to them.


Looks like somebody's lying big time about me saying that I'm not deaf. Very unprofessional, I'd say. :nono:

You're free to agree or disagree. However, that doesn't change anything when an unsubstantiated claim was made by lying about it.

I've already stated my position. *shrugs*

*checking your previous posts in this thread*

where? :dunno: All I see is you taking a condescending position
my thoughts on deafhood/deafblindhood are

that you are happy with accommodations that you use for yourself. and that you have d/Deaf/d/Deafblind friends who use same language accommodations.Weather that be sign,speechreading,hearing through device only, or Internet based

How I describle my at a Deaf event?

Is that I have a learning disability that functions as a floating hearing loss. And I use earmoulds without the tube hole to give myself some consistency. And because cerebral palsy I use sign cards to communicate my ideas and needs.

The "Are you full Deaf?" question
How one interacts with the fact of deafness is the end of result of how one "thinks" one should in the specific circumstances. Is one "comfortable" having done the "best under the circumstances"?
One can't compare to another with "different set of circumstances".

Various viewpoints seemed to be "offered" in this forum.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
You're free to agree or disagree. However, that doesn't change anything when an unsubstantiated claim was made by lying about it.

You don't identify your self as HOH?:hmm:

You just did in post #125. Then you also identified yourself as deaf. It would appear that you are unsure of what your identity is and simply change your identity according to what you think will put you in a position of favor with others. Keep working on that journey. Surely you will one day find the courage to definitively identify yourself and be proud of it.
How one interacts with the fact of deafness is the end of result of how one "thinks" one should in the specific circumstances. Is one "comfortable" having done the "best under the circumstances"?
One can't compare to another with "different set of circumstances".

Various viewpoints seemed to be "offered" in this forum.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

If one changes one's basic self concept according to circumstances, one is engaged in serious people pleasing, and doesn't know who one is at all. It is an indication that one is always looking for others to define one, rather than having the courage to do it for oneself.
If one changes one's basic self concept according to circumstances, one is engaged in serious people pleasing, and doesn't know who one is at all. It is an indication that one is always looking for others to define one, rather than having the courage to do it for oneself.

My sister and her husband have a fully-equipped music and recording studio in the basement of their house, with three pianos, several guitars (electric, acoustic, bass, etc.), drum set, horn playing instruments, keyboards, the works, and sometimes I am asked to sit in on a session. Sometimes I am Deaf and utterly useless when it comes to ideas for certain types of music, and other times I am wayyyy ahead of the "professionals" in terms of where the beat is heading and the lyrics (yep, I write songs). I think my deafness is a huge help in a lot of areas, but unfortunately, I do not feel any desire to pursue a musical career.
I think you're more of a pansy one. You prefer to stay as vague as possible and as broad as possible so that you won't get called out on it and be challenged.

You call person's disagreement as "personal attack" and you call your "personal attack" as "unique POV". You surely can lift a truck tire but you surely can't lift a mental tire.

Your days are numbered....

Hah! QFT!
You don't identify your self as HOH?:hmm:

You just did in post #125. Then you also identified yourself as deaf. It would appear that you are unsure of what your identity is and simply change your identity according to what you think will put you in a position of favor with others. Keep working on that journey. Surely you will one day find the courage to definitively identify yourself and be proud of it.

Oh boy. First he is then he isn't then is again.. ad nauseumm. :P
My sister and her husband have a fully-equipped music and recording studio in the basement of their house, with three pianos, several guitars (electric, acoustic, bass, etc.), drum set, horn playing instruments, keyboards, the works, and sometimes I am asked to sit in on a session. Sometimes I am Deaf and utterly useless when it comes to ideas for certain types of music, and other times I am wayyyy ahead of the "professionals" in terms of where the beat is heading and the lyrics (yep, I write songs). I think my deafness is a huge help in a lot of areas, but unfortunately, I do not feel any desire to pursue a musical career.

It has been my experience that when it comes to music, the Deaf have an advantage over many, many hearing in that they perceive music from a physical, kinesthetic position, which is the way any good musician perceives music. They feel it as much as they "hear" it, if not moreso. The "hearing" part is simply incorporated into the kinesthetic perception. The one who "hears" music only can never be more than someone who plays the music created by the true musicians. A technical mimic, if you will.
The changed circumstances is the "actual physical change-SILENCE" NOT a label change concerning deafness. It has NOTHING to do with "pleasing anyone". How one deal with it-up to YOU! Which choice exercised re Cochlear Implants if suitable, OR learning/using ASL et al. YOURS.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07