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Student suspended for sketching gun

Ray Parker
The Arizona Republic
Aug. 22, 2007 12:42 PM

Parents angered by the suspension of their child for drawing a picture of a gun on an assignment paper are questioning the Chandler Unified School District's policies dealing with such incidents.

The Payne Junior High eighth-grader, along with another student, was suspended Monday for five days. Parents Paula and Ben Mosteller were able to get the suspension reduced to three after meeting with school officials.

The uproar over the drawing, which the student turned in with a school assignment, cuts to the question of what constitutes a "threat."

Craig Gilbert, Chandler director of secondary education, said there's a range of punishment administrators can hand down for "implied threats," ranging from a parent conference to suspension and expulsion.

"(School administrators) would determine what the situation is and the consequence," Gilbert said.

Gilbert confirmed another student also was suspended in connection with the incident but would not go into detail because of student privacy laws.

Paula Mosteller told the Associated Press she could not believe her son received suspension for a drawing: "I just can't believe that there wasn't another way to resolve this."

Parents can appeal a suspension of 10 days or more to a district hearing officer, said district spokesman Terry Locke, but for anything less, the school principal has the final word.

Payne principal Karen Martin did not return a phone call seeking comment.

The public often does not have access to the full story when it comes to student discipline because of privacy laws.

School officials have put the student's sketch in his file, which is not open to the public. And since school officials did not call the police, there's no public police record.

"Federal privacy laws forbid discussing student discipline," Locke said. "From a district point of view, it's over."

There are 985 students in Grades 6-8 at Payne Junior High, a Chandler Unified district school located in Queen Creek at 7655 S. Higley Road, near San Tan Boulevard.

Earlier this month, Principal Karen Martin sent a letter home to parents about an unrelated incident involving a student having a gun, which police investigated and found to be false.

"I am also writing to ask you to continue discussions with your children about the seriousness of actions and words that others might consider a threat," Martin wrote.

Student suspended for sketching gun
Just for drawing a picture of "gun"? That is very stupid reason I ever heard.. Being honestly..
Just for drawing a picture of "gun"? That is very stupid reason I ever heard.. Being honestly..

Yup you are right. I find this ridiculous. I mean, really silly. They will feel this is NOT " America " anymore such as freedom country, because of all this.

Same thing about givin' hugs, or kisses or little things... they will be suspended as well just for that, no matter how misunderstandin' they are and they will be givin' an account for it --- aaand, even small children, too. How sad ! Of course, I opposed to their ideas.
I disagree with them about suspendin' a student just for sketchin' gun. I know, I know just because of " terrorists goin' on nowdays " but, that is NOT the same as sketchin'. It's just a pencil and paper to sketch for pete's sake. :roll:

They should take the pencils away, too -- because, that pencils are part of weapons. Why suspend student instead of pencils ? I think that's insane.
Yup you are right. I find this ridiculous. I mean, really silly. They will feel this is NOT " America " anymore such as freedom country, because of all this.

Same thing about givin' hugs, or kisses or little things... they will be suspended as well just for that, no matter how misunderstandin' they are and they will be givin' an account for it --- aaand, even small children, too. How sad ! Of course, I opposed to their ideas.

I disagree with them about suspendin' a student just for sketchin' gun. I know, I know just because of " terrorists goin' on nowdays " but, that is NOT the same as sketchin'. It's just a pencil and paper to sketch for pete's sake. :roll:

They should take the pencils away, too -- because, that pencils are part of weapons. Why suspend student instead of pencils ? I think that's insane.

Exactly! :roll: It's only a paper and drawing. Guns are simple everywhere, in the cartoons for children, probably their parents own the guns, they see the soliders having the guns, the polices, etc etc etc. They are learning about the world, THAT is why they draw such like what they are thinking about.

If they draw like the violence or nudity or whatever inapproiately, then I understand, but gun is not one of them. Gun is just a material, it doesn't affect anything such like violence in the imaginary, all the imaginary of the drawing a picture of gun is the gun in the imaginary, that's it.

It's just my opinion..
I dunno I'm half and half on this, because of school shooting these days, sometimes when signs are being ignored, students lives are lost. I don't understand why would kids draw a picture of a gun? Does it mean that a kid is thinking of using a gun in school and committed a crime? We don't know right? When a drawing of a gun made by a kid sometimes you gonna wondered if that kid is thinking of committing a crime, or his intend was that he likes guns? I think that people are more careful today to prevent gun shooting in schools, because nobody will ever know when it'll happened when it happens, and sometimes signs are being ignored too, that's why they have a zero-tolerance policy toward gun threats. They just want to protect all students and have a safe school environment.

On the other hand I'm sure the kid did not mean any harm for drawing of a gun. So that's why I'm half and half on this subject. ;)
Need more info..did this student have a history of violence or threatening others? If so, then yea I would agree to this. If not, then I think it is taking it too far.

Kids love to use their imagination when drawing and would sometime include swords, guns, knives, and etc.
Kids love to use their imagination when drawing and would sometime include swords, guns, knives, and etc.

Yea they do, but it's the parents responsibility to tell the kids how drawing weapons can lead people the wrong imagination and can or could get them in trouble.

Is it ok for a child to draw something like this?
Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Well, this country is slowly detoriating our rights. Also, guns dont kill people, people kill people with guns. However, one must think carefully why a specific person, a young teen, would do such action on an assignment paper? Is that particular person trying to hint at something? While I do not agree with the administrators to suspend the student(s), one must justify the actions of the student. Investigate with the parents, do they own a gun? Did the kid buy a gun off the street?

Nowadays, nothing is ever safe and even doing a small thing that may not seem a big deal to you will probably be a big deal to the police. We are slowly losing our democracy state in the US.
I'm not surprised to see this happened since this isn't the first time I've heard of this , more and more schools are doing this by suspending or expelling students for any violation of weapons or drugs regulations that inculdes drawing any type of weapons etc. on a piece of paper or anything that violate the school's policy....

I remember one story about a mother who put a small knife in her daughter's lunch box to cut an apple and the school then expelled the girl....

Another story about a 3rd grade student showed his classmate a gun shaped charm necklace that he wored to school that day and he was suspended for bring it to school...

Another one that similar to this story here, where a 9 years old boy was suspended for drawing a picture of a gun on a piece of paper at school...

And somewhere in Virginia, eight students were suspended for one week after they were caught sniffing Kool-Aid at school...

I could go on and on with a bunch of ridiculous stories that most of the students has done that cause them to get suspeneded or expelled from school, now speaking of freedom of speech, since when we are allow to have freedom of speech?....It's has been going on for years, there s no such a freedom of speech here in America or anywhere for that matter....Schools are going to contiune to suspend or expel students from school even if it something so small...They take every little thing seriously...I have to keep telling my 7 years old child who is in 2nd grade to be careful what you bring to school or what you are drawing on a piece of paper because no matter whether it something bad or good, it can get you in trouble...
I dunno I'm half and half on this, because of school shooting these days, sometimes when signs are being ignored, students lives are lost. I don't understand why would kids draw a picture of a gun? Does it mean that a kid is thinking of using a gun in school and committed a crime? We don't know right? When a drawing of a gun made by a kid sometimes you gonna wondered if that kid is thinking of committing a crime, or his intend was that he likes guns? I think that people are more careful today to prevent gun shooting in schools, because nobody will ever know when it'll happened when it happens, and sometimes signs are being ignored too, that's why they have a zero-tolerance policy toward gun threats. They just want to protect all students and have a safe school environment.

On the other hand I'm sure the kid did not mean any harm for drawing of a gun. So that's why I'm half and half on this subject. ;)

I see where you are coming from, Cheri. If this was a sign of other problems the student was having, then the school system certainly needs to do what is neccessary to protect the other students. But, if this was sign of bigger problems for this student, I don't think suspension is the answer. Just putting a child out of school for 5 days won't deal with his problems. They need to make sure that he is provided help with his problems. Suspension does nothing to do that. So jsut suspending him odesn't protect the other kids, either. Once the suspension is up, he is right back in school with the same problems that created his behavior in the first place. I think that they have either given too strict a punishment for a student that meant no harm, or if his behavior was really a threat, they have not dealt with it in a way that will protect the other students or get himthe help he needs. Wither way, the suspension was the wrong move.
I'm not surprised to see this happened since this isn't the first time I've heard of this , more and more schools are doing this by suspending or expelling students for any violation of weapons or drugs regulations that inculdes drawing any type of weapons etc. on a piece of paper or anything that violate the school's policy....

I remember one story about a mother who put a small knife in her daughter's lunch box to cut an apple and the school then expelled the girl....

Another story about a 3rd grade student showed his classmate a gun shaped charm necklace that he wored to school that day and he was suspended for bring it to school...

Another one that similar to this story here, where a 9 years old boy was suspended for drawing a picture of a gun on a piece of paper at school...

And somewhere in Virginia, eight students were suspended for one week after they were caught sniffing Kool-Aid at school...

I could go on and on with a bunch of ridiculous stories that most of the students has done that cause them to get suspeneded or expelled from school, now speaking of freedom of speech, since when we are allow to have freedom of speech?....It's has been going on for years, there s no such a freedom of speech here in America or anywhere for that matter....Schools are going to contiune to suspend or expel students from school even if it something so small...They take every little thing seriously...I have to keep telling my 7 years old child who is in 2nd grade to be careful what you bring to school or what you are drawing on a piece of paper because no matter whether it something bad or good, it can get you in trouble...

Yeah, you just remeinded me of the case where a high school girl was suspended for a drug violation for giving her friend a Midol for her cramps! Talk about ridiculas!
I see where you are coming from, Cheri. If this was a sign of other problems the student was having, then the school system certainly needs to do what is neccessary to protect the other students. But, if this was sign of bigger problems for this student, I don't think suspension is the answer. Just putting a child out of school for 5 days won't deal with his problems. They need to make sure that he is provided help with his problems. Suspension does nothing to do that. So jsut suspending him odesn't protect the other kids, either. Once the suspension is up, he is right back in school with the same problems that created his behavior in the first place. I think that they have either given too strict a punishment for a student that meant no harm, or if his behavior was really a threat, they have not dealt with it in a way that will protect the other students or get himthe help he needs. Wither way, the suspension was the wrong move.

Right I agree, and what bugs me the most is why didn't the school staffs, guidance counsler asked him questions such as what his intentions were when he drew a gun on a piece of paper but unfortunately it seems none of them made an effort to do so but only to suspensed him from school...
Yeah, we don't really know the whole story. And newspapers like this being just this side of outright sensationalistic.
Yeah, we don't really know the whole story. And newspapers like this being just this side of outright sensationalistic.

That's because the SCHOOL doesn't give out the whole story, they never do anyways if you noticed, so I can't fault the media or the newspaper for not printing out the full story here....

August 21, 2007 - 4:50PM
Chandler boy suspended for sketching gun

David Biscobing, Tribune
An East Valley eighth-grader was suspended this week after he turned in homework with a sketch that school officials said resembled a gun and posed a threat to his classmates.

ABC 15 Video: Student’s mother speaks out
But parents of the 13-year-old, who attends Payne Junior High School in the Chandler Unified School District, said the drawing was a harmless doodle of a fake laser, and school officials overreacted.

“I just can’t believe that there wasn’t another way to resolve this,” said Paula Mosteller, the boy’s mother. “He’s so upset. The school made him feel like he committed a crime. They are doing more damage than good.”

Payne Junior High officials did not allow the Tribune to view the drawing. The Mostellers said the drawing did not depict blood, injuries, bullets or any human targets. They said it was just a drawing that resembled a gun.

But Payne Junior High administrators determined that was enough to constitute a gun threat and gave the boy a five-day suspension that was later reduced to three days.

The Tribune isn’t publishing the boy’s first name at the request of his parents.

The suspension follows an unrelated incident earlier this month in which Gilbert police were called to Payne Junior High School to investigate a rumor of a girl bringing a gun on campus. No gun was found and a letter was sent home to parents.

In the letter, school officials told parents about the incident and indicated there would be a zero-tolerance policy toward gun threats.

Chandler district spokesman Terry Locke said the school is not allowed to discuss students’ discipline records. However, he said the sketch was “absolutely considered a threat,” and threatening words or pictures are punished.

The school did not contact police about the threat and did not provide counseling or an evaluation to the boy to determine if he intended the drawing as a threat.

The Mostellers said their son has no discipline record at the school because they just moved from Colorado this year.

The sketch was one of several drawings scratched in the margins of a science assignment that was turned in on Friday. The boy said he never meant for the picture to be seen as a threat. He said he was just drawing because he finished an assignment early.

School officials issued the suspension on Monday afternoon and notified the student’s father, Ben. He met with school officials and persuaded them to shorten the suspension from five days to three.

A second student was also suspended Monday for a sketch on his homework. However, that student and his parents could not be reached for comment about the nature of that drawing.

Ben Mosteller was allowed to see his son’s drawing at the school but was not permitted to make a copy to bring home to his wife.

Paula Mosteller said she has been unable to reach the school’s principal, Karen Martin, or the vice principal, Dave Constance, since Monday to talk about the suspension. Martin and Constance did not return several phone calls to the school for comment.

When Ben Mosteller came to the school to discuss his son’s punishment, he said school officials mentioned the seriousness of the issue and talked about the massacre at Columbine High School — the site where two teenagers shot and killed 12 students and injured 24 others in 1999 at Littleton, Colo.

The Mostellers said the Columbine reference was extreme and offensive. They have contacted the district’s governing board about the incident.

“We understand that there was zero tolerance and the sketch could look like a gun, but the way this was handled was so horribly wrong,” Paula Mosteller said. “Hopefully, when my son goes back to school on Friday this will all be behind him. But a school accusing a child like this can have a huge effect on a child for the rest of his life.”

Chandler boy suspended for sketching gun | EastValleyTribune.com
I agree that it is very very sad that the school didn't find another way to resolve this matter instead they made him feel like he actually committed a crime which he didn't..:(