What do you get at the grocery store?

:wave:Well, now I know who to ask about the gluten-free pastas! Good to know :)
Hmm...well, guess I'll try it and see what happens - but I was fore:giggle:warned.

Is brown rice bread the same way?

In my opinion it is. Like EnerG. Not sure of that spelling.

Udi's Gluten Free Bread is the best.
@Dogmom We used to eat a lot of home cooked meals, but the family has got so busy we always miss each other and don't have time to cook anymore. Lately everything is from pizza, nachos, to spaghetti. We've just been cooking quick things. So, I want to try to get us all to eat healthy again instead of all this stuff. :/
:ty:Bott, we are thinking alike! I posted about the Udi's just now!
I've seen that EnerG and wondered about it-
I buy my produce and fish in one store, milk and eggs in anther store, and everything else (canned stuff mostly) at a supermarket. This is all because each store has a better selection, better quality, better price, or a combination of all three.

Why is this question being asked?
Angel, I understand how that is when you get so busy:aw:
this past Fall, we moved and then my folks moved and my mother had a surgery to have part of her intestine removed, and my dad just had health issues and it has been difficult to consistently eat the healthy way I like during all that.
I think if you can have at least one "healthier", or more "whole" meal once a day, or even once or twice a week, that is good to focus on achieving that and trying to increase it.
I like to shop at different places because there are a lot of specialty and "alternative" food items I get and certain places can have much better deals on some of that than others.
Also I really like the farmer's market in Summer. Me and my mom go together.
Angel, I understand how that is when you get so busy:aw:
this past Fall, we moved and then my folks moved and my mother had a surgery to have part of her intestine removed, and my dad just had health issues and it has been difficult to consistently eat the healthy way I like during all that.
I think if you can have at least one "healthier", or more "whole" meal once a day, or even once or twice a week, that is good to focus on achieving that and trying to increase it.

:eek3: Is she okay? and thank you. I'm looking up stuff to put on the list. I love the farmers market, but they hardly come to town.

@Shimo yeah, I'm looking up recipes and stuff I want us to try. Thanks.
Usually, I make a list of things I'm out of...or will be out of in a few days...(such as Baking Soda, Oil...etc.)...and if I've found a recipe that I'd like to try, then I list all the ingredients that I don't have....We eat a lot of salads...and Lettuce is now $2/head!....And Winn-Dixie is our store...."buy one/get one"...which I do like...Wal-Mart is a "mad house!"....We just bought some reallllly big "Jumbo" Shrimp today on sale....Plus, we eat a lot of Graola Bars for snacks, my boys don't like sweets at all....
H.o.H. Angel, yup, she's ok :ty: for asking...she had a bleeding mass which they thought was cancer! but upon further investigation discovered it was a very large benign polyp that was made worse or part of complications of - colitis/diverticulosis...which led to the removal of that part.

We mostly get the farmer's market routinely in the Summer. In the last few years, with an increase in awareness of access to fresh food - especially in the city - there has been a push to indoor Winter markets which my mom and I have gone to also. But this last year was particularly all about moving for both my parents and us and so we hardly went. Now where husband and I live - in a more rural area - the Winter farmer's market is more sporadic than the one available in the urban area we left.
I know your family sizes vary but one thing I have gotten in the habit of as a single woman is buying vegetables frozen in bags. That way I can get out just a serving at a time and leave the rest frozen rather than have leftovers from canned.

As far as a Farmer's Market is concerned in this small Southern Illinois town we just have a summer temporary one. They set up on a downtown parking lot with opening at 7am on Saturday and almost all the stands sell out before the scheduled closing time of noon.
Farmers Market (the big one) is miles away from where I live...so the closest one for me would be at the Flea Market...and I get good buys there too...especially on their fresh red tomatoes (which we all love)....always buy a few baskets of them whenever I go.
I like to buy frozen veggies too. I avoid corn, but usually I look for cauliflower, broccoli and brussels sprouts frozen. But I also like lima and butter beans, carrots....hubby will only eat the carrots.:lol:
:) Bott

I love tomatoes. Especially fresh Summer ones - I'll just eat it like it is, like an apple. But I love tomato sauce and canned tomatoes and sometimes use sauteed tomatoes or stewed tomatoes and olive oil on my pasta, instead of pasta sauce.
:wave:VacationGuy, I love fish. Don't get it as much as we used to due to finances after move. But I love baked fish and sardines. My husband hates fish unless it's fried.

I just picked up some brown rice pasta, may have it tonight. I've had sprouted whole grain pasta and soybean pasta but not the brown rice-based one. Has anyone tried it?

I agree. Sadly, it is high priced today. I'm definitely for taking down the dams so that natural Salmon can run again. You can try to get your husband into deep sea fishing. It might change his mind on eating more fish.