What do you do when you're bored and home alone?


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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I'd read a book, work with Photoshop, watch a good movie on TV, play MOH on my PC or go through some old stuff of mine (i.e. pictures).
Man I was gonna make thread of this. Bah anyway I draw what comes in my head, read a mag, catch some flicks on tv, surf the net, call and chat with friends. Thats about it.
I play games on my computer, but I am hardly ever home. I am always working or out.
play on PC
watch tv or movie
work on my car
take a nap
shoot some pool table
play ps2
Normally spend time on the computer or sometime read the book!
Spend time with my kids
Take a nap
Watch TV
Watch a movie on tv or DVD
Chat with friends on pager or chatroom
Go in AllDeaf.com
Read news in the internet
Do some writing on my notebook, (journal, thoughts, poems..)
Read books (poetry, shakespeare's works, horror, and fantasy)
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I spank the monkey! :wackit:

Actually, I play with Rosie Palm and her five little sisters.
I'm almost never alone at home. My boys are usually with me at home, and so is my husband, so they always keep me busy. I would love to be alone sometimes so I can do what I want to do (if I'm bored).
clean the house
enjoy look around internet from computer
out with my friends
read a book
sew the cross stitich
take a nap
keep look for a job(apply form paper)
:laugh2: @ kinky Kiki! How appropriate!

Hmm what do I do when I'm bored and all alone... usually I'd do major house cleaning, go through my closet and toss some of my clothes to Salvataion Army, watch some t.v., give my mom a quick call, take a nap, and be a pest to my hubby LOL
Originally posted by Katzie
:laugh2: @ kinky Kiki! How appropriate!

Hmm what do I do when I'm bored and all alone... usually I'd do major house cleaning, go through my closet and toss some of my clothes to Salvataion Army, watch some t.v., give my mom a quick call, take a nap, and be a pest to my hubby LOL

I will come to your house and knock the door. Then I will saying that I am electric repair and your bedroom's need fix. *walk in*

*steal your bra and underwear* :o