What do you do when someone HAS your DOG?

Ok, guys I got a response from my ad at craigslist. I got a response already and it was pretty ugly. I think it was the owner and they do NOT want to give Gabbie back. Legally they don't have to. They went on to say I should have had a collar, I should have had a microchip, and I should have been more responsible, blah blah blah. What should I do. Continue to put ads out there or should I just give up?

No, you think the owner? if its really them, they have NO heart. what do they really want from gabbie? If it were me that i knew someone whos belonging and i will ask them show me the picture if its really their dog. if i see the pictures they have. i can return dogs back. They have no heart. my god.

Keep trying to post everywehre in order to annoying them out and let everyone know how heartless the owner is.
Oh my dear, I´m very sorry how you feeling like this. :( :hug:

Yes I know you can´t do anything to have Gabbie back if the other owner determine to keep your Gabbie.

To my opinion, it would be nicer if someone return your lost pet to the owners. It´s about respect and honest. I think what the man said to you is not very nice when he know you are looking for Gabbie everywhere via internet, etc. No matter if you should have collar, mircochip, etc. etc. etc. It´s no excuse but you DID spread out Gabbie to Internet to ask for help...

Let me tell you what I know...

I have seen many missing cats on the poster everywhere at supermarket... Most write "Reward €€€€ if you find it......" I think it would be different story if you put Reward $$$ then they would be happy to return your pet to you.

Thank you for the hugs. We couldn't afford a reward but we did offer to reimburse them the cost of adoption, plus, the extra cost of caring for her while she's been away from home. I would even help them find a new dog, and I am even sure my family would allow them to come and visit Gabbie.

Don't give up! You aren't sure it's the owners, anyway...but this is part of your family (at least, it sounds like you feel that way) and so, I don't think you'll feel closure if you give up at this point. Keep trying. I don't know what else to do for you but offer a hug and tell you that we support you!

I am not sure if it was the family or not. We aren't giving up. Gabbie is a good dog, and until we know she is safe and Happy and loved we won't give up.

No, you think the owner? if its really them, they have NO heart. what do they really want from gabbie? If it were me that i knew someone whos belonging and i will ask them show me the picture if its really their dog. if i see the pictures they have. i can return dogs back. They have no heart. my god.

If it is the owners, they really seriously have some problems. They either are the type of people who like to fight and win, so Gabbie doesn't matter in this case to them and that makes me angry. I am thinking about posting all over the radio stations, all the local petstores, and vets as well. I already contacted all the vets in Owasso. :)

Keep trying to post everywehre in order to annoying them out and let everyone know how heartless the owner is.

So the dog didn't have a collar or a tag with his/her name or telephone number in case the dog gone missing? There is nothing more frustrated than finding your dog without a collar or a tag since the dog had no identification, It's up to the other family to either give the dog back to you or not. I'm sorry I wish I had something more positive to say, but it seems that you're at the end of the rope in this situation. I feel bad for you. You made a honest mistake for not putting a collar and a tag on your dog, it can happen to anyone really.

My dog has a collar and a tag, I'm thinking of getting him micro-chipped as I can't afford to lose him, if someone remove the collar or his tag.

Not everyone is for microchipping, I am now, for sure. We never thought we needed to do so, Gabbie never got out before, it wasn't until the cow got loose and broke the fence. She had a collar on but we take it off because she is a working dog, when she works, it is unsafe for her to have a collar on, she could get hung up. Gabbie also knows how to slip it off. Smart dog, very smart dog. Harpo, who is NOT a working dog, had one on. We found him through Craigslist, the animal shelter in Tulsa had seen him on there and called us. Gabbie was found at Owasso which is in a TOTALLY different town. They were both taken to the shelters on the same day?? Weird huh? He is home safe, but

I hope the new owners will realizes that the dog they got is belongs to you and your family even the important connection of Gabbie to your niece who is autistic. As it seems your niece had a way of communication and being comfortable around Gabbie.

Hopefully, the new owners will have a change of heart to return Gabbie back to original owners.


I hope the new owners will realizes that the dog they got is belongs to you and your family even the important connection of Gabbie to your niece who is autistic. As it seems your niece had a way of communication and being comfortable around Gabbie.

Hopefully, the new owners will have a change of heart to return Gabbie back to original owners.


Me too, thank you for the hugs. So far we've had a lot of people on our side. Some people were fighting against us, but all of that has stopped when more people sided with us.
anymore new news? I would get your baby back if I lived closer. As is now living in Alabama there is no way I could help. you are in my thoughts, I would die if one of my "children" was taken without me having a chance to get them back. send a letter with more details and a picture to the newspaper that serves the area the shelter is in and see if that area will help you find your girl.
Sad! I hope it works in your favor! Last year someone stole our red merle male mini Aussi right out of our yard. Too his underground fence collar off and left it inside the fence boundries! We searched and searched for our Arney. Contacted shelters, vets, Craigslists... no luck. I hope he is happy where ever he may be!
Send all your information, everything about Gabbie to a television news channel that covers your area and Owassa area, see if a reporter will pick it up and show your story, send it in via the internet and show them the links to all your postings and the informaton of your vet and take pics of the dogs tags and send them along, send them a link to this posting here, that gives you a date line of facts and proof you've been searching this whole time, make it a more public outcry. Because of me and several other people in the area the length of time they keep strays now is 10 days. go to the spca, submit your story online to humane society, anything you can think of, gather up all your photos and links to all your postings and send them to any type of media you can find in the area where she could have been adopted at. don't give up!
Just giving an update on Gabbie. Her new owners have not really contacted me face to face yet. My dad has given up on finding her but I haven't. I have a feeling the guy who has her just doesn't have the guts to do the right thing. I really honestly believe he's going through some personal issues at the moment. It was weird, I got a call a few weeks ago from a guy who told me that Gabbie was ok, that the people who had her loved her and that he was a dog lover and that he'd try his best to contact her new owners. I had a feeling he was her new owner. I will however suggest to the animal shelter that maybe we could come to an arrangement that we could all meet at the shelter so I could personally see that Gabbie was ok, and that way there would be a law officer on duty there to witness if anything got out of hand. What do you guys think?
Just giving an update on Gabbie. Her new owners have not really contacted me face to face yet. My dad has given up on finding her but I haven't. I have a feeling the guy who has her just doesn't have the guts to do the right thing. I really honestly believe he's going through some personal issues at the moment. It was weird, I got a call a few weeks ago from a guy who told me that Gabbie was ok, that the people who had her loved her and that he was a dog lover and that he'd try his best to contact her new owners. I had a feeling he was her new owner. I will however suggest to the animal shelter that maybe we could come to an arrangement that we could all meet at the shelter so I could personally see that Gabbie was ok, and that way there would be a law officer on duty there to witness if anything got out of hand. What do you guys think?

I don't know if that will work. I think that you have to find out and see what happen. Good Luck!
How many days was Gabby missing before she was adopted out? Each shelter has a different number of days they hold the aniamls before adopting them out (some 72 hours, some 7 days etc). If they waited the required number, sadly, the dog legally belongs to the new owners.
However, that doesn't mean that they won't give her up if they find she is missed by a loving family.
Often what happens is people pick up a stray dog on their way to or from somewhere and drop the dog at a shelter they are familiar with. The owners don't think of checking in with shelters that far away and by the time they do, the dog has been adopted out.
Providing proof that she is your dog -in the from of a tattoo, microchip, sales receipt when she was a puupy or adoption certificate, knowledge of scars, X-rays from vet for bone breaks etc or unique markings all help new owners know that this is indeed your dog.
Putting out a reward also helps (esp if it is more than what they paid for the dog's adoption).
Good luck!