What do you do/want to do for living?


New Member
Nov 8, 2010
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I'm sorta curious about what everyone does for living or what they'd love to do for living.

I've thought about being an interpreter for children but I'm sort of afraid of the one I'm listening to is speaking too fast for me to sign. I'm not very good with ASL but its something I want to become good at.

Maybe a teacher, who knows.:roll:
I do mostly poker and non profits.. Loving every minute of it.

Won $280 in low stakes in an hour and half today... not bad..
What do I want to do? Own my own home remodeling business.

What do I currently do for a living? BAS/DDC systems application engineer.
I am a vocational rehabilitation counselor and mother of a maniac dog. I love to establish an online business one day.
The job I love to have is to be a teacher for the deaf. What I am doing now, I am in the military.

It takes time to get skilled in signing, just have to get into the community to learn it the best. You never get fully skilled, you still learn stuff here and there. My wife is deaf, and we been married for over 9 years now and I am still learning.
Teacher for the Deaf here.
Graphic designer-photographer-web designer all 3 in one :)
Wirelessly posted

I was very involved with both the Deaf and the DeafBlind community as a disability rights advocate. I am not able to commit to advocacy work as Sjogren's is a debiliating disease; energy-wise I am blown out. I am just happy being Mrs to Aghori and a furmum to many!
I'm a freelance photojournalist while working odd jobs to make ends meet. I hope to work for a magazine or newspaper one day particularly as an environmental portrait photographer or documentarian, but the industry is a dog eat dog world.
I read forums and live in a nearby basement. My job is to process and harvest personal information given willingly on the internet, and document it for future use.

I now know everything about you fellows. Thank you for sharing. :)
Rertired newspaper employee (several newspapers)...started off as a teletype operator, went over to linotype....switched to laser printing....worked in news then advertising (more $$)....retired in advertising. Worked several other jobs after retiring also...tried my hand at several restaurants on the Beach, Bed & Breakfast place in Carolina..."Rose Hill", a quaint, old place that was beautiful! Was a Housekeeper and enjoyed that job, plus the tips were awesome! Even ran a Thrift Shop along with a partner for awhile. Now I've adopted 3 boys and an "at home Mom"....What's next?...soon as my youngest boy (age 14) gets somewhat older, I'll try to find something that interests me. I'm not the type to just sit back and "do nothing". Also have worked at a Hospital as a Billing Clerk (my first job), making just $1.00 an hour! Worked in a Hosiery factory also for about 3 weeks...worst job I've ever had! Factory work isn't for me....
what do i do: to stay a human being

what i do for living: to work to stay alive.
Am currently working 2 part time jobs.. one at a pizza place as dough maker and other at a specialized bike manufacturing company as data entry clerk and also in college part time to take digital a/v production and would love to do some camera work or website work or so..
For a long time I was a pet sitter. Encroaching blindness has kind of put a stop to that, and now I just take care of my home and dogs, and wait for my husband to be old enough to retire.

I also try to get exercise and get out around town on the bus to practice independence skills.