What do Vegetarian eat on Thanksgiving Day?

my evil plan is, blend turkey into look like muffin and have them eat it without realize there is meat. BWHAHAHAHA

:rofl: I like the plan :rofl:

Try dice turkey dye in orange as diced carrots, grounded ham mixed with spices and stuffings. ect. Anything unsuspecting to them LOL.

Done that to fool my baby daughter into eating food mix with carrots (she hates carrots). But she spotted something orange and pluck it out before eating. Smart girl. Now she's 13 and still don't like carrots except baby carrots. Oh well.

I remmy few years ago we had Vegan Thanksgiving dinner. It was just once non-tradition dinner we had. My sister made veggie food mix with stuffings ect and tastes so good. We don't even complain about it tho.
