What do teachers make?


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Jan 13, 2005
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The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued, "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?" He reminded the other dinner guests what they say about teachers: "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."

To corroborate his point he said to another guest; "You're a teacher, Susan. Be honest. What do you make?"

Susan, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness, replied, "You want to know what I make? I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could. I make a C+ feel like the winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor. I make kids sit through 40 minutes of study hall in absolute silence."

"You want to know what I make? I make kids wonder. I make them question. I make them criticize. I make them apologize and mean it. I make them write. I make them read, read, read. I make them show all their work in math and perfect their final drafts in English."

"I make them understand that if you have the brains, and follow your heart, if someone ever tries to judge you by what you make, you must pay no attention because they just didn't learn."

Susan paused and then continued, "You want to know what I make? I make A DIFFERENCE. What do you make?"


Thought for the day: What are YOU making?

I making my son to think about that the inside of the person is more important then what they look like on an outside of the person. :D

MaKe my son to clean up his mess, listen to his mom, follow the rules of the house. Show respect and caring.

There more I can't think but I will add later I hope LOL
Good post - I agree that it's not all about money. It's more important to make a difference and contribute to the society in any way you can and lastly, enjoying your job.

My daughter, who will be graduating this June from High School, has been accepted at Ball State University and will major in education - she inspires to be an elementary teacher. Her passion is to work with children.