What did you learn today? Part II

I learned how to create a PowerPoint Presentation.

You gotta learn how to create SmartNotes lessons...they are more interactive for the kids. :)
^^^Shel, I don't know why - but I saw that and thought it said "SmartassNotes"! Yeah, I'm sure they're more interactive, lol!
You gotta learn how to create SmartNotes lessons...they are more interactive for the kids. :)

Don't know about SmartNotes, but I'm learning PowerPoint for my Deaf church and for myself. No more home school, except for the review for my daughter. She is regressing again.
I learned that my dog Marty does not like to pee in the rain!! I took him out 4 times and he did not do anything! GRR! He better not wake me up at 3 Am to go out!
Did it cause flatulence on the plane AGAIN??? :giggle:

er... no... so far that was a one time deal. :Oops: It's hard to sit still while feeling time there is a ticking time bomb ready to go off. :giggle:
I learned NEVER to be nice to a guy! I am turning into the ice queen from this point on :P
I learned that someone I care about very much has been living in his car for the past week. I wish I knew how to help him.
I'm thinking it's too bad I don't know C# so I could make custom gui to better fit my sense of aesthetics
^^^ Have you heard of wincustomize.com ?
Just checked it out. It's not for the Linux platform. My computer is dual booted as Windows 7 and Linux Mint 12. I can try it out on my Windows platform. I like the Windows 7 GUI if not as much as the OS X GUI btw. Vista and Windows 7 are the only Windows GUI that I like. I'm not wild about Linux gui hence why I want to customize it. I don't expect it to be like the OS X but I do want something better suited to my sense of aesthetics.
learned my car didn't pass inspection and now I will have to use the money that I had planned for my business account to pay for car repairs. I'm on a shoe string budget. Total for car will be around $200 dollars.
learned my car didn't pass inspection and now I will have to use the money that I had planned for my business account to pay for car repairs. I'm on a shoe string budget. Total for car will be around $200 dollars.

Sorry to hear it. :(
Car repairs

learned my car didn't pass inspection and now I will have to use the money that I had planned for my business account to pay for car repairs. I'm on a shoe string budget. Total for car will be around $200 dollars.

Sorry about your car. Bad time of year to have to dish out money we don't have. Good luck.