What did you learn today? Part II

I learned this Wednesday night and it has really shocked me.

Seems that we have a lady at our Deaf church that is jealous of me. First, she does not think I am really deaf. She is jealous that I can speak clearly. She is jealous that I am making more and more friends at church and currently more people sign with me than with her. She is jealous that the small children seem to like me. She resents the fact that her hubby (who is one of the 2 who does the lessons) will ask me for clarification at times, or ask if I can understand when the terp is not there. She complained to the general board meeting of the Deaf Club that is was not fair to the other members that I ask that people let me know, on potluck lunch days, if something has dairy in it. The board took offense since there is one diabetic and two Orthodox Jewish people on the board and that she just needed to work with it. The church board has agreed to now make it a rule that special dietary needs must be worked with and there would be no exclusions.

I was advised by the terp who I was out to dinner with, that she and the other man who does the lessons think I should go totally voice off at the church. They have chatted with a bunch of the members who have all said they will help me with my ASL and all agree that I should be voice-off. The parents of the children still want their children to associate with me as I make them feel comfortable.

As far as the potluck lunches, I am not asking them to fix specific foods, just to let me know if there is anything dairy in it. I don't think that's too much. We already have to proved unsweetened things for our diabetics (7 in the church), what's so hard about 1 dairy-free person?
^^^Yikes. Sounds it like a case of the green monster. So nice when this happens in church.
Sounds like someone has issues with their self esteem and I can say its not you Kristina.
My Weather Channel icon just started flashing on my desktop. Checked and we are under Flood Advisories until 9:30 PM Saturday night. Oh Joy!!! NOT!
That happens every time the tide rises in Florida.

What do you expect being at 0' elevation?

Our area just got 4 inches of rain in the last hour and it's still raining. I feel like sometime during the night, out skeletons in the yard will float away.
I learned why live catchers and live hangers are generally skinny. I just got back from dumping 12 week old chickens. I feel like I have run the 2 mile race in the district track meet back in high school. No I did not get paid overtime for this.
I learned how easy it is to get banned. What doesnt kill you only makes you stronger. :hmm:
I learned that a member of my Deaf church needs a ride tomorrow and I have agreed to pick her and her friend up for church and our potluck lunch.
I learned that my friend who just recently bought a car from another friend, she has had it two weeks and she already has to make a $200 repair to the vehicle. Loose wheel bearings. I told her it was very dangerous to drive it in that condition.
I watched the news the other night and they said the typical person is a Chinese male from the Shanghai province of China, he has no car and no bank account. He speaks Mandarin Chinese but he is a Christian.

They also made a composite image of what the typical person on earth might look like. It was a Chinese male. They took that composite image and matched it up against thousands of other photographs of actual people. They found their closest match in NYC. Turns out the guy arrived to NYC just five months ago from China and he happens to speak Mandarin. He has a job and a bank account, but he doesn't have a car. They said he won't hold his title for long as the most typical human being on earth. They said the next typical human being will likely come from India.
I learned that after talking with my friend about this dark secret, my family wont be impacted.

All is solved. Now, it is just her own personal problem that she has to work out.

I learned that after talking with my friend about this dark secret, my family wont be impacted.

All is solved. Now, it is just her own personal problem that she has to work out.


That is some good news. I am glad for you!!
I learned my son did something with my computer. Everything is so much bigger and I can see it a lot easier. Hopefully it won't go back when I have to reboot.
This display properties Kristina. Can change back if it reset. Right click main desktop window, properties, will give option there make everything big.
I learned my son did something with my computer. Everything is so much bigger and I can see it a lot easier. Hopefully it won't go back when I have to reboot.

Go to your control panel and search accessibility.

There are magnification options built in and you can set it.,