What did you do today?

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Closed them down here in Jax....at least on my side of town...used to be a popular spot on the w'ends for party goers after hours.

Ours had all been closed for years. Disgusting places. But a new one was opened out past the edge of the suburbs.

It is actually quite nice.
what i have done today

:cool2::cool2:this morning I woike up and cooked me some grits and bacon and had a glass of milk, then I read the paper watch let's make a deal and then price is right, and then checked my email and played with the dog.
fron then on I all i could do was think about all the hurt my family and church folks have cause me so much great pain. by lunch time I ate black eye peas and white rice with gravy. this is how my normal mornings goes unless at the doctors office
Went to 1st gathering, assessed my truck, got my tags for my truck, worked with St. Bernard, went to 2nd gathering, did some calligraphy for the numbers on my aunt's new mailbox for the farm, now posting on AD.com. Later I will go to last gathering, work with St. Bernard, wash my truck and place new tags on my truck so I'm all nice and legal.
God loves

God loves all and it is he that wakes us up in the morning to start our very day, so anything we do we know he the keeper of all
Woke up at 2:30 am sweating and with a whizz-banger of a headache. Noticed hubby was not home from work yet. Fell back to sleep. Woke up again at 3:37 am, hubby just got into bed, my headache was worse and I was seeing double. Took some Excedrin-Tension Headache and went to living room floor to sleep. (cooler and not bothering hubby with my tossing and turning. Woke back up at 8:15am still with a headache. Took more Excedrin and had 2 cups of hot tea. Headache gone 45 minutes later. Went to 2 libraries and then to Mickey D's for lunch. Home to surf internet for a little, back to one library to return a forgotten DVD and then to drug store for MIL's prescription (1 of 9), now I am back here. Still no headache. Yeah!!!
Cleaning my apartment. Comet is the best invention ever.

Going to donate my clothes tonight, for real.
My dad told me that worker found a 25lbs ( :eek: ) dead possum under my room this morning. :eek:
My dad told me that worker found a 25lbs ( :eek: ) dead possum under my room this morning. :eek:

When we lived in a house with a fireplace, a raccoon fell down it and died in winter. We didn't know it until spring when it smelled bad and blue bottle flies started coming out from the fireplace cover.

That was truly horrible. :barf:
When we lived in a house with a fireplace, a raccoon fell down it and died in winter. We didn't know it until spring when it smelled bad and blue bottle flies started coming out from the fireplace cover.

That was truly horrible. :barf:

I had a big rainstorm some 10 years ago in a different home that had a fireplace, and the rainstorm caused a lot of flooding in which a lot of drywall/wood had to be replaced. Doing so revealed the outer (indoor) part of the fireplace that isn't normally visible, and it was loaded with bird and squirrel carcasses. I felt awful. We made a point to shut the flue permanently after that (since we never used the fireplace anyway). That way no other animals could fall in and never get out.
I had a big rainstorm some 10 years ago in a different home that had a fireplace, and the rainstorm caused a lot of flooding in which a lot of drywall/wood had to be replaced. Doing so revealed the outer (indoor) part of the fireplace that isn't normally visible, and it was loaded with bird and squirrel carcasses. I felt awful. We made a point to shut the flue permanently after that (since we never used the fireplace anyway). That way no other animals could fall in and never get out.

When we moved and bought a house, we had a criteria of no fireplace or anywhere an animal could possibly get in. And our attic is also extremely animal proofed.

I still feel bad. But even if we had known it fell in, I don't think even animal control would have saved it. It must have had broken bones as it was a very high chimney.
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