What did you do today?

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Called the Social Security Administration today....with a lot of questions....but mainly, all I could get was "they are waiting on the President and the White House" to make a decision...if checks will be late...any COLA increases in 2012....etc.

Also, IF the checks are late and anyone cannot pay their bills on time (mainly Rent/Mortgage)....then to call a Lawyer or the Landlord/Tenant Division or talk to your Bank rep. or Landlord.....

So the last word I got and understand...is "to wait and see"....no other confirmative answers were given....

It's best not to worry about something before it actually happens....but to be prepared if it does.....so if anyone is affected with late checks, it's best to call your Bank or talk with your Landlord to see if any "late charges" will apply....hopefully not!

Nod. I'm thinking that I will need to stock up on groceries as well so they'll last at least 2 weeks. Let us hope this won't happen. :fingersx:
I am thinking about what my hubby's cousin said about why my hubby had trouble installing the toilet in the bathroom.The plumbing system was all done wrong by whoever rebuilt this house. Just great!
I am thinking about what my hubby's cousin said about why my hubby had trouble installing the toilet in the bathroom.The plumbing system was all done wrong by whoever rebuilt this house. Just great!

Oh no... maybe, you could look it up on youtube or look up on "Toilet Installation Instructions" on some engine search (i.e. bing.com, google.com, etc.)

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How to Install a Toilet | Step-by-Step | Toilets | This Old House - Introduction
Toilet Repair, Replacement & Installation

Does it has to do with the two screws on the floor? If yes, then it's a wrong toilet stand. This is very common. You have to measure from the wall to the holes on the floor to meet the toilet stand. I think that the label is on the package that will tell you which one like 12 inches or 15 inches something like that. If it is a longer than 12, it's old fashion design but it still works with some newer toilets.
Oh no... maybe, you could look it up on youtube or look up on "Toilet Installation Instructions" on some engine search (i.e. bing.com, google.com, etc.)

Flushmate Repair Parts | FlushmateRepairParts.com
DIY Home Improvement Information | DoItYourself.com
eHow | How to Videos, Articles & More - Trusted Advice for the Curious Life | eHow.com
How to Install a Toilet | Step-by-Step | Toilets | This Old House - Introduction
Toilet Repair, Replacement & Installation

Does it has to do with the two screws on the floor? If yes, then it's a wrong toilet stand. This is very common. You have to measure from the wall to the holes on the floor to meet the toilet stand. I think that the label is on the package that will tell you which one like 12 inches or 15 inches something like that. If it is a longer than 12, it's old fashion design but it still works with some newer toilets.

My hubby's cousin is a certified plumber. He will fix the problem this weekend. Thanks.
Well - today was something else. Mainly quiet. After breakfast, I had to take hubby his lunch, went to GameStop, farmer's market and Walmart, then home to vacuum the house, made lunch, then another trip to GameStop. Afterwards, I finished a book and played on my Nintendo DSiXL. Fixed dinner and here I am.
My hubby's cousin is a certified plumber. He will fix the problem this weekend. Thanks.

We had some aggravation like that when we remodeled our bathrooms over the winter. For some reason the toilet was a non-standard distance from the wall. It was 11", instead of the standard 10" or 12". We used a 12" replacement and the guy had to put the back of the new tank thisclose to the wall to make it fit.
I am awarehelp to people because help support i am member :lol: I am very help people community problem hosting! they complication on tight bug on error, I research!
Wirelessly posted

Took the kids to a free movie. I'm so grateful that I'm able to find free or cheap things for them to do this summer. I'm looking for a second job to do after I teach or on the weekends. I hope I can find something.
I agree. Though I'm not looking forward to the day when she stops receiving the checks (next June)...because I haven't gotten my budget "in line" yet without it, I don't wish the checks to stop for the people who really need it.

Hopefully my daughter will be making enough money at her job (which she has yet to get) to help with the car payments and/or her portion of the car insurance. She's in a vo-tech high school and is supposed to co-op this year.

I hate it that Soc. Security and VA checks to dependent children stop when they turn 18. Way back when, my siblings and I got my dad's VA benefits until we were 22 or graduated from college, whichever came first. This was so long as we were in school, of course.

What a difference it made. We probably would not have been able to go to college without that support.

I think it was a bad, bad move to stop those benefits at age 18.
We had some aggravation like that when we remodeled our bathrooms over the winter. For some reason the toilet was a non-standard distance from the wall. It was 11", instead of the standard 10" or 12". We used a 12" replacement and the guy had to put the back of the new tank thisclose to the wall to make it fit.

Our problem is how the piping was hooked up. My husband's cousin had to go to the basement and cut some pipes. Will return this weekend to finish the job. Geez, makes me wonder what else was done incorrectly in this house.
I went to the eyes DR. today and he said I still have 20/20 eyes vision ! Not bad for being 64 yo! I see better than I hear! I wanted to buy some purple reading glasses to go with my purple HA and ear molds but my head still swollen for when I hit on the freeze door and it was too painful to tell if the glassed fit ok.
I am awarehelp to people because help support i am member :lol: I am very help people community problem hosting! they complication on tight bug on error, I research!


Please start reading an easy children book everyday so that you will understand better. I really don't want to rude to say that you because no one said to you about your language problem. A long time ago, my grammar was pretty bad. I started reading a lot of easy books for a couple of months. My grammar is improved, and it is not quite perfect yet, but it is much better than before.

Again, you start reading many easy books like Reader's Digest Large Prints from your local library. It will help you read better, and your language will get better, too. Just do it tomorrow or today. Okay?
Our problem is how the piping was hooked up. My husband's cousin had to go to the basement and cut some pipes. Will return this weekend to finish the job. Geez, makes me wonder what else was done incorrectly in this house.

erroneous piping is too common. pisses me off.
I hate it that Soc. Security and VA checks to dependent children stop when they turn 18. Way back when, my siblings and I got my dad's VA benefits until we were 22 or graduated from college, whichever came first. This was so long as we were in school, of course.

What a difference it made. We probably would not have been able to go to college without that support.

I think it was a bad, bad move to stop those benefits at age 18.

I think your generation had those benefits because fathers were drafted into armed forces and a lot of them don't come back :(
Our problem is how the piping was hooked up. My husband's cousin had to go to the basement and cut some pipes. Will return this weekend to finish the job. Geez, makes me wonder what else was done incorrectly in this house.

Probably a lot, if you believe Mike Holmes (of "Holmes on Homes.") His contention is that if you find one or two serious things wrong in something like plumbing or electrical, that is a sign that the builder "just didn't care" and he (Mike) will "rip it all out and make it right!"

Sigh. Have I ever mentioned that he is my TV boyfriend?? :lol:

Seriously, I'd guess he's right. Plumbing stuff is either done absolutely right or done sloppily throughout. If there's one goofed-up thing, there's likely to be something else.
I worked, finished a book this evening (Game Plan for Life by Joe Gibbs), texted with my pastor's wife, talked with my friend from USDA, got take away for dinner, and now I'm about to call it a night.
I think your generation had those benefits because fathers were drafted into armed forces and a lot of them don't come back :(

My dad's generation was the WWII generation. He was injured, losing the top of his thumb, the first two knuckles of his first finger, and the first knuckle of his second finger. Plus the sight of one eye. He paid his dues, that's for sure.

His death didn't have anything directly to do with the war, unless the stress of it contributed to his high blood pressure. He died in the mid-50's, more than a decade after the end of the war.

My mom was a widow at age 40, raising 4 kids all under the age of 10. Those VA benefits were a life-saver, as you can imagine.
Probably a lot, if you believe Mike Holmes (of "Holmes on Homes.") His contention is that if you find one or two serious things wrong in something like plumbing or electrical, that is a sign that the builder "just didn't care" and he (Mike) will "rip it all out and make it right!"

Sigh. Have I ever mentioned that he is my TV boyfriend?? :lol:

Seriously, I'd guess he's right. Plumbing stuff is either done absolutely right or done sloppily throughout. If there's one goofed-up thing, there's likely to be something else.

I think sloppy plumbing is too commonplace because plumbing inspection is much more lax than electricity. I dunno :dunno:

I've had at least 2 plumbing problems in each house I've lived in. It's so stupid. Pipes hooked up wrong or are not kept separate. Cheap pipes. etc.
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