What did you do today?

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Well, thanks to Coca-Cola, I was able to score two Ticketek vouchers. :D

I plan on using the vouchers to visit Tutankhamun Exhibition in Melbourne.

Apart from that, I worked today.
Yesterday (was too tired when I got home to get on the computer)

Took train & metro to Chrystal City (just south of Wash DC) to the HLAA Convention and met up with some online friends. Coming home the train was delayed for about an hour due to another train having broken down ahead of us. Still better than being stuck on a plane. If I had wanted to, I could have gotten up and walked to the cafe car, but I was too tired from my long day.
dog walking in mud and rain... but they loved every bit of it i cant growl - they Needed it!!
Yesterday was dumpster day at my brother's girlfriend's house. She rented a dumpster and the 6 of us spent all day dumping all the old carpet, wood, tiles, and many more in the dumpster. Today, I plan on mowing the front and back yards, fixing the rain gutters, and painting the front porch steps but my body is so sore from yesterday. Maybe this afternoon.
Yesterday was dumpster day at my brother's girlfriend's house. She rented a dumpster and the 6 of us spent all day dumping all the old carpet, wood, tiles, and many more in the dumpster. Today, I plan on mowing the front and back yards, fixing the rain gutters, and painting the front porch steps but my body is so sore from yesterday. Maybe this afternoon.

you got busy! you wil get into better shape just you wait, just avoid ICE CREAM for a month
you got busy! you wil get into better shape just you wait, just avoid ICE CREAM for a month

Luckily, I am not a big fan of ice cream. Unfortunately, I am a big fan of cheese.

Yea, I willlllllllll mow the lawns...I will, I will...just maybe go back to sleep for a short time. lol
Luckily, I am not a big fan of ice cream. Unfortunately, I am a big fan of cheese.

Yea, I willlllllllll mow the lawns...I will, I will...just maybe go back to sleep for a short time. lol

good on ya you'd be glad you did

enjoy the new you , even for a short time, its encouraging, it helps your motivation for the long term 'keeping' even if you dont do that right now or soon, but you' know whats you limit and what to be happy with

right now watching a movie documentary (rare film) about working men in Russia dying of work-lifestyle death 'sentences; bit grim to watch...
Love those little lights....have some with cherries in my kitchen...and also, I have a fake Ficus tree that I strung some white Xmas lights on, and we loved it so much, we never took them down! Sometimes, we cut off all the lamp lights and leave on the Xmas white lights and watch TV...it's a warm feeling.

I so totally know what you mean! I am a fan of unusual lights that are warm, so I have a number of lights that I got from Ikea. I'll post pics later, maybe you would like some of these ideas and they're not expensive.
Well, I got some wonderful, fantastic news at 7am this morning. Neighbor called and told hubby she was wanting to take me to the deaf church she knew about today. We left at 9:20 this morning. She had forgotten exactly where it was but knew that the "landmark" she remembered on the corner was Frenchie's Bar. Now, keep in mind, this lady is 70 easily and has suffered two minor strokes and tends to be a little forgetful. She also does not touch alcohol at all. Well, after getting lost 3-4 times, she finally called a friend who she wanted me to meet to figure out how to get there. As she's telling me the street names, I ask "Is it near the deaf club? You know PBCAD?" The friend says "Yes, it's at the club!" Well, we get there and what do I find but a bunch of people from my deaf club, but mostly the younger ones who don't go to the Tuesday social. Needless to say, I had a great time, learned a lot and found out that on Saturdays, the younger crowd meets and has all kind of games and such and bring their children as well. Then Sunday, there is a church service. I had a great time and will be going back. The family is wanting me to go on Saturday and Sunday for the socials and service both. 3 different CODA's and a few other people will work with me and help me to learn ASL. The service is done in PSE.
Needless to say, I had a great time, learned a lot and found out that on Saturdays, the younger crowd meets and has all kind of games and such and bring their children as well. Then Sunday, there is a church service. I had a great time and will be going back. The family is wanting me to go on Saturday and Sunday for the socials and service both. 3 different CODA's and a few other people will work with me and help me to learn ASL. The service is done in PSE.

That's great! You sound really happy :)
Slept the afternoon away. Sinus headache.
Visited a few forums online.
Will be going to bed in about an hour.
Like LoveBlue, I slept a part of the day away (it was morning, not afternoon), trimmed and mowed my front lawn, got into a weird situation, cleaned the house (always always always!), did the laundry, and cooked a dinner for my hubby for Father's Day.


I will teach summer school part time so no, I wont be completely "off" for the summer.
Awesome KristinaB!!!!
I throw my mind, I change new life pretty sound I am very glad of focus on my cope and try defend protect to my mind peace! I am strength protect!
I throw my mind, I change new life pretty sound I am very glad of focus on my cope and try defend protect to my mind peace! I am strength protect!

where's your mind? you can't throw it LOL

its in the air or in imagination right...but i think i know what you mean...
i decided not to worry, take control, put my mind at ease...

ease = means relax at peace, or idle

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